so knowledge is power and is the truth and needs to be SHARED so - TopicsExpress


so knowledge is power and is the truth and needs to be SHARED so all can be clued up on whats going on not only with our wildlife but our food too and the abuse of power that certain people wield and these people know who they are ! these people need to be seen for what they are and exposed for the greed that drives them knowledge and info is free for now lets spread the word and stop bullies from monopalising our scene to killing our heritige im amazed how people who have this info have held it back and not educated fellow humans to keep their flocks paying at the door kneeling at the altar misleading them with very false info to keep the blinkers on and sell us false promises ! these false people are everywhere around us and closer than you think .... this is biggest con of the 21st century new religion SAVE THE PLANET and they got everyone hooked and running in the wrong direction whilst they are playing god with our people food and animals .. HOW CAN YOU SAVE THE PLANET WHEN WE CANT EVEN LOOK AFTER OUR ANIMALS so think twice if you think this is going to go away when you organic people dont have organic food to eat because of gm food when deodorant is a huge part of our bees dying if people think cause they have money they have the right to kill our endangered animals for sport i say that is murder......all need to be addressed .....this needs to be changed and spreading the word about all these things that are very real and very wrong and actually happening .... so spread this info and whatever you can and lets get people around us educated and on the case on harvesting human eggs in india for peanuts for the rich to play god with when kids need to be adopted and with the false pretense of travel whilst pumping you full of steroids i mean is all here and is not looking like a party at all .... and if you there thinking and judging use that energy to inform educate teach and pass on this info not hate and lets expose people who are using their city and people for personal gain .... Just Say Know
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 16:03:54 +0000

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