so maleks summery , do middle eastern leaders allow the - TopicsExpress


so maleks summery , do middle eastern leaders allow the radicalization of education ? for example bin ladens figgure in uni was an palestinian jordanian , who tought about jihad . as we said before jihad is in islam the least important as I know mostly it is connected to the ethics of leberation of meccah and rules of it , in islam a prisoner if he teaches u science or language he can gain freedom or any thing with value , today in middle east we get intel guys in unis , we get no live simulation monologues , we get actually students who talk only to those they know or are with in same social structure or see uni as a place to find dates not bad at all yet uni is a place were u get an education to work be ready for work and be able to self depend , I dont forget how a teacher told us about prophet mohammed peace be upon him giving an axe , to a poor guy . so he can feed him self . in terms i see same sad thing in christion religion basicly christian in the middle east have a problem concerning the polarization country that sees in sectariasm a solution or religion that is leaving its meaning and wits . we have plenty of problems yet the solution lies in the human aspect in seen that we all have a meaning . and we all have a right to chose . thers also a problem concerning how people need to follow blindly religous leaders they dont get to be active or share with other people theire concerning , for example christian men in jordan leaving to america . yet christianity in the middle east has a different meaning than in europe or usa , cause u get an insight of history and how all other religous groups have same problem we need to fold under laws that give us a different end coming or laws that have special occations that in reality are not aplied via constitutional right , In jordan the constitution is advanced yet the means to find solution and logic of alphabet u could best hear from radio baladuna . in any case its still a problem about civil unions and people who still prefair not to chose a religion name even if they live a life of virtue , plus thers a problem of bigger clans offering protection and every dispute ending up a clan dispute rather an monologue , and when u say or agree as a judge some one should have no lawyer in any case u go a milestone back just in my case how many judges faced the dilemma of not knowing .
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 11:02:52 +0000

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