so much information real true information surrounds us yet you buy - TopicsExpress


so much information real true information surrounds us yet you buy into the bullshit thats portrayed every day and get lost in a fictional dream you call reality. remove the veil from your eyes, take pride in yourself, in this world, and in life, take back control. your so worried about people calling you crazy you will defend your self to the death to convince yourself of a lie. its such a sick and twisted game and the people with the power know how the human mind works and are controlling you without you noticing and you fall right into it a defend the people who are destroying you! Luckily for me and more people im coming into contact with, we are gaining the knowledge we need to take back this world for the right reasons, if you dont have love in your heart and a sincere caring for the people and animals and all life on this planet and the universe in general than goodluck your on the wrong team and i promise you, you are going to lose. i dont waste my time typing this and put all my effort into writing and changing myself for the better to brainwash you into harming your life that doesnt even make sense, and even if it did thats exactly what your doing right now anyways living the life you live believing what the media tells you because its all controlled information being released to you on a higher agenda of world domination, and right now they are succeeding, however good loving people who care about this world such as myself are starting to revolt and we WILL awaken the masses to the real truth no matter how many people call us crazy or will stick to their programmed belief systems. If i was able to open my eyes to the truth and drop the false beliefs that have been programmed since birth from symbols, logos, music, television, food, religion and all that other bullshit then i know theres more people who are gonna be strong enough to finally make the change to better their life and this world and actually do their own research and find the real answers, but what kills me is that you dont even have to search!!! the people with the power over this world put what they are doing in plain sight...right infront of your faces and you accept it as if it was meant to be that its just part of this life. yall are out of your minds, literally. it would take forever to type everything there is to know and how everything is connected this is only a little piece of information but damn i felt like it was just time to finally get things off my chest for real, and most of you wont even read all this and its a shame. and for the people who do read all of this thank you, im not asking for likes or comments or recognition or praise or anything like that, the only thing i ask for is you take some pride in yourself and in this life and world we live on and do some research educate yourself and become aware of the truth, because in all honesty the most important thing you will ever read is this whole status is information controls the perception of the truth and the faster you understand that is the faster your going to take back control of your life for real. well i think thats enough for now, i love you guys i really do and im making the change for us, we will take back our true freedom and i will awaken the masses, but its only going to happen one person at a time. -Dylan Nay 03/24/2014
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:50:47 +0000

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