so much reading on statelessness and the laws and decisions and - TopicsExpress


so much reading on statelessness and the laws and decisions and treaties and then I come across something like this Last year, Maltas Childrens Commissioner raised the subject of the statelessness of migrant children who are born at sea due to the fact that the sea vessel on which they are born is unregistered... when you think of all the people trying daily now to escape, and any pregnant woman under terrible circumstances giving birth at sea, and then policy makers debating for years what to do about that baby just struggling to live and helpless, as is the mother... it seems so hopeless and frustrating. I appreciate everything the EU is trying to do, they dont have to do anything if they dont want to, but they are, but still, its so hard. All of this is leading up to my masters project which may very well be about how the refugee problem is a world problem. Why are we any less responsible for that babys life because we are farther away? Because we have our own migrant or stateless babies to worry about? And how do we care for them? why is it anyones problem what happens to other people? Only because God calls us to be, or if u are an agnostic or atheist, because the continuance of the human race depends on the level of care we provide for one another. Not everyone is strong or safe or well at all times in their lives... those of us who are not sick, lost, or destitute can offer them something, anything. We all know that. Lets focus on not just helping the poor or stateless, but devising ways to bring them to our level of freedom so we are all working together. Are we brave enough to begin to erase the man made borders? the human race constantly fighting over land and beliefs. we all gonna die like this, or live half a life
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:41:01 +0000

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