...so my mom and her husband jimmy, came out to do there yearly - TopicsExpress


...so my mom and her husband jimmy, came out to do there yearly visit a few weeks ago. My stepdad,jimmy,who is a VEITNAM vet,and a retired marine,has copd,enfizheima,heart desese, and diabetic,also has to be on oxygen 24-7. While they were here,jimmy,caught bronchitis n was in the va hospital in Hampton. Four days after he was released they were leaving. And tho he appeared fine, I told her I didnt want them to leave. Because they drive. They both were truck drivers for years n kno the states like the back of there hands. They dont even carry a map. She tried to reassure me with this n I told her I really didnt feel comfortable with it but I think she was just tryin to get him home.... Oaklahoma city... Two days later,in the parking lot at a gas station,he fell out n had a heart attack... Four days later,he was gone.... She made it back to California,by the grace of good friends n family that was close n did what they should of done. They were there... Now..... His service will be here,this is his home. In Suffolk he will hv a military service... In his honor. For his service. He was a damn good man,husband,father,person. He took care of me,my mother and sister still to this day. Now,shes there,and his service is here.... Do u kno how expensive a ticket costs for one person? 729.00$!!!!! Cheapest!! Idk what too do.... Anyone that can offer any advice r anything Im literally begging you please help me get my mom here for her husbands funeral. I would love to hv her and my sister but rt now its one at a time,n I got basically nothing. Any one? Any hookups on tickets r any thing? Im at a loss,of so much,all at once.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:32:21 +0000

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