so thats what youre like, subconcious* A little girl was - TopicsExpress


so thats what youre like, subconcious* A little girl was sitting between her mom and dad. Moms heart was breaking into pieces, as the little tot was crying to no ends. Not just crying - she was weeping bitterly. It hurt so badly inside. Baby calm down, baby, calm down. No, she was inconsolable and kept smearing tears and snot all over her puffed little face. Lenin just died, Lenin just died... she kept saying over and over. It was true. An actor made up as The Great One keeled over on his side and lay motionless on the TV screen in front of them. Embarassing as it is to admit, the little girl was me. Already at the age of three I was the cause of multitude of worries for my mother over many silly trifles. Nothing has changed since. * Theres a series of jokes in Russian with a little boy of a character, somwhat like Bart Simpson. In this particular joke, the teacher addresses the class radiantly anouncing, boys and girls, you will now see the one who we have been singing songs and telling stories about all year long She presents a cage with a hedgehog. At this, the Soviet Bart Simpson walks up to the front of the class and says in astonishment : So thats what youre like, pops Lenin.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:59:15 +0000

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