so ... the Chemocat saga continues ... she came home on Christmas - TopicsExpress


so ... the Chemocat saga continues ... she came home on Christmas day with a NG feeding tube and 6 days of feeding instructions and a day and a half worth of formula (shame on you U of M Vet clinic - especially when the tech on the phone said tough you got no refills prescribed - another story) anyway she had an ultra sound today and it was for the purpose of just to see what she is in fact dealing with ... the theories ranged from saddle embolism to the lymphoma out of remission. All weekend she was completely sedentary as the tube was causing her problems and had intermittent episodes. Theyre not seizures more like syncope. So I sat with the radiologist as he did the ultrasound. No embolisms, no evidence of cancer. Liver and kidneys are in perfect condition but some fluid in the chest and one side of the heart slightly enlarged with a reduce ejection fraction. In other words she has some mild congestive heart failure. The other conditions that were suspected are extremely grave and her vet said that she was even prepared today to do the e word counseling. Even when you read the clinical evidence everything pointed towards a saddle embolism or FATE and one of her house mates did drop dead almost a year ago to this date from exactly that. Now the thought is that she might be controlled with diuretics and heart meds the first week with tell the tail so for all the well wishes and crossed paws we thank you for the time being.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:21:01 +0000

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