so.... there are burried or hidden pyramids or cities that will - TopicsExpress


so.... there are burried or hidden pyramids or cities that will never be discovered???? Michael Russell Did they, not to long ago, find pyramids buried deep underground in the Ukraine area. Supposedly a vast majority that are older than all thd other known discovered pyramids? Also a gent by the name of Rex Morgan located 22 possible pyramids up and down the eart coast of Australia. I+Google ancient egyptians in Australia found it. Cayce said the Big Cleansing would happen around the time China is the biggest Catholic country. I googled the Christian population estimate in China, its almost 300 Million. They have many underground churches due to da Govt regulation. His Prophecy is coming true! Its a long long story...the earth is re-seeded from time to time...The Zapotecs, which are the Olmecs, Toltecs and Aztecs landed in Nazca around 270k bce..they founded and built Atlantis, Mesomarican and South American megalithic sites and re-seeded Asia, China and India.....Got into a war with Lemuria and sank Lemuria into the Ocean...Helped the Illyirains build Sumeria around 240k bce when the Illyrians(Armenian Aryans) arrived from Mars...And then built Khemit/Egypt at 65k bce.. Henry Castleberry I read over 3,000 books since age 2...Ill have to think about what to recommend...I would say read all of the writings of the high Tibetan lamas you can get your hands on, read the Ramayana in the bhagavad gita, All of Rudolf Steiner and all of Helena Blavatsky, Massey, Budge and John Anthony West..all of Castaneda..all of Theun all 8 parts of John Anthony Wests Magical Egypt Series at least 10 times each. Read all of 16 T.Lobsang Rampas books at least twice..Read Jean Michel Desmarquets book. Read Baird T. Spaldings all fo David Ickes books, all of Stewart Swerdlows books..Stewart has a secret book also, which is really helpful that he co-authored with Stephen Denman of Galactic Revelations. Text by VT Vetsch...there are a lot more but this you will figure it out...O yea and all of Edgar Cayce as you goytta do meditations and yoga and crystal therapies, crystal bathing..take supplements, live healthy..etc...I was studying Cayce at about age 11
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:56:50 +0000

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