so today i went to RR Horse Refuge and met a amazing person and - TopicsExpress


so today i went to RR Horse Refuge and met a amazing person and was introduced to so many animals, i was in such heaven there and all the animals made me feel such peace and after what i am going through right now i so needed this bad, i am so impressed with how Rose the person who runs this place does so much for so many animals each with such sad stories that would make the strongest man cry, i so enjoyed watching her interact with all the animals and how they did the same back such a nice change of pace to see such incredible love for another species, i wish i came here long ago to see such beauty but now that i have i just know i will be back as often as she wants me there to help all i can, if anyone can please help her by donating to her refuge you will be doing a amazing thing by doing so and every dime she can get will be greatly appreciated and well used for all her fellow friends like the 80 horses 13ish pot belly pigs 1 normal pig the cats the dogs the chickens ect ect ect....... so lets band together and show her how much we appreciate all she does and give a donation go to and show some love thank you Rose so much for meeting me and showing me a amazing place you so have earned a spot in my fav list of great people with how you treat animals
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 00:41:31 +0000

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