so todays offering is not so much poetry but a short discourse on - TopicsExpress


so todays offering is not so much poetry but a short discourse on an uncomfortable subject; Gods calling to rebuke, to correct, to judge (righteously), in love and meekness. last evening while standing in the return line at an anonymous mega retailer with the initials WAL MART, an employee walked to the desk as if to open a new line. a lady of 50ish (and her poor little ones she dragged along by the wrists) spoke something quite unfitting and almost tripped over herself running to get in the new line ahead of the 7 or 8 people in front of her. well when the new line did not open, she returned to our line and asked, with expectation, to receive her former place in line, i turned and not to deny her request, but to offer her a small piece of advice that instead of running in her impatience, the right thing to do would have been to offer the place to those who were in front of her in the old que. to which she began to berate, insult, threaten, and call me everything but my name, to which i was mostly prepared for, so i turned back to my waiting, and then the lady behind me began to explain what i meant in defense of my well intentioned words, but she would have none of it. in what seemed like an immense amount of wounded pride, she continued to tear me down and speak all sorts of contempt and she just continued, and continued, and continued, without reprieve until she uttered, in front of like 30 people, i needed to get some religion i immediately turned and startled her with a question, what religion would that be that speaks as hatefully as you? i then informed her that i work for God, as a missionary and all of a sudden this kind of righteous indignation seemed to begin to flow. i began to just rebuke her, and ask her if she would like to meet this God of the real religion, this God that created her, and how this Great big God rejects the proud and gives grace to the humble and the power God, i am not joking, the absolute power of God just enveloped her and i, and she lowered her head and abruptly turned around, absolutely silent and began to aimlessly walk off leaving her children, her items, and her man and to just get away from these words that were just reducing her pride to nothing. it was beautiful in a measure to see him touch her even through the shell of her pride, and i hope that she received a seed. and just to be above reproach, i offered her my place in line to which she refused by shaking her head no, and said not another word... holy random craziness, to teach how to judge righteously, and speak boldly when it is time, and the time is rapidly approaching when our rebukes of the actions of others will result in much more painful circumstances than a little spittle on my face. let us not confuse meek with weak, nor pride with righteous anger. sometimes love looks angry, and sometimes it speaks to the dividing of soul and spirit! of some have compassion making a difference, and others SAVE WITH FEAR, pulling them out of the fire; HATING even the garment spotted by the flesh. jude 22-23 happy new year, i think there was some prophetic holy random craziness at work here... toda Abba!! #missionarylife #peopleofwalmart #igotapromotionatwork #havemercyOLord
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 12:44:08 +0000

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