so whats on my mind is why do we as people always want to result - TopicsExpress


so whats on my mind is why do we as people always want to result to violence when someone hurts or feelings or pride? Is it ur not man enough to just walk away, or is it ur just not man enough to do the right thing-GODs thing? Okay I will give u the benefit of the doubt what is being a MAN all about? Can u answer that question for me? Well I want to say that a man does kill other men outside of the military trying to protect the united states and is train to those situations. A real man is a GOD fearing MAN. A man that is willing to follow the only man who ever walked this earth PERFECTLY. He was stoned, spit on, talked about, beat, and other things that we now say is attempted murder, all those things he took and all he said or done was say to GOD father forgive them for they know not what they do. So now I ask u, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK U ARE, u aint bigger than JESUS so why are you walking around here like u so big and bad with everyones lives in ur hands, like if they piss u off u gone do something bout that. Well if u do you have to answer to GOD for that. The LORD GOD said and I quote revenge is for the LORD not you and ur way but with the LORD. im just saying that people are people and how ever they want to live their life let them live it. People at the end of the day THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN MAKE U MADE IS U, no one, no words, no object can make u flip out and do things u will regret or not regret. example if I was around someone who is talking bad stuff to me and trying to beat me up if I dont want to get mad and just walk away or if thee same thing was happening and I get mad and start beating him up or acting the same way the only thing that changed was the fact u let urself get angry at something u could have easy just walked away from. CHOICES is the best part of life, those of us who make good choices and want life to be better or so called thugs, ganstas, or Gs etc. who make bad choices and mess everything up for people. now I want to say this church people have groups too so if u want to be part of a good group of highly educated, motivated, spiritual people or do you want to be part of a group of men who are so insentive and so inmature and so violent and so ungodly and so small that they need to hang around 10 more people the same way. I tell u if u just think before u react and just L>L>J Live, Like, Jesus then we can get over racism and hate and all the things that make this world a better place, stop trying to step on another person just to make ur little ego feel better instead pull that person side and see how u two can come together and spread GODs message!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:20:03 +0000

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