softened fruit . . once you’ve been a mortician you - TopicsExpress


softened fruit . . once you’ve been a mortician you never stop thinking or dreaming like one . beyond exposure to the harshest chemicals in existence it is the psychological blitzkrieg that is the true occupational hazard . i am plagued by dreams of having to embalm my dead since i was 6 father his features i set perfectly but his hands won’t take the fluid they are a sick yellowish color with blackened fingernails the fingers spread apart ghoulishly implying death is always grasping coldly toward us . as for the rest of humanity my eyes see them as softened fruit about to spoil . each day has become a discipline in attempting not to think this way . as i find life in all its pain and glory to be worthwhile and of unfathomable beauty . . (c)aayoung|01.03.15
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:14:00 +0000

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