sold on buyout ****NOW ON THE SALE - TopicsExpress


sold on buyout ****NOW ON THE SALE PAGE!!**** https://facebook/groups/Spirits4u2/events/ Due to popular demand we will make this listing an auction..ending MIDNIGHT SUN 4/6/14 CST starting bid is $100 buyout:$259 (retail regular FB price is well over $399) RARE!! PERSONAL COLLECTION offering GOD LEVEL Ancient BLACK SUN DJINN 33,100+ yrs .925 green bali style earrings Please meet O--n He is a GOD LEVEL true ancient race 33,100+ yr old very rare BLACK SUN DJINN...the eldest in my keep!His personality is friendly and helpful..grandfatherly in some ways..extremely calm, tolerant and patient..and tends to call me little one.He has no need of instructions or such..he knows what you need way before you will and will make the necessary adjustments on your behalf.He needs little direction..he can cast for you..grant ANY wish..bringing forth unbelieveable magicks..summon any race of djinn..even Annunaki and Vril and a whole host of other rare and unknown beings that exist in the BLACK SUN region.His energy is strong but moderated to your skills and he is able to work on many areas and wishes simultaneously.He can appoint guardians and others to keep you safe 24/7 and assist in all life areas as he deems neccessary.All you need do is ask for wishes..he is not formal or regimented on etiquette and a simple informal request from the heart is all thats needed.He like all the BLACK SUN djinn have access to an amazing form of energy they draw upon and can transfer to you..for endurance and strength in times of need.His nature is grey and he will work with darker magicks and wishes as needed though he prefers peace and harmony and brings great balance.Capable of bending space and time..opening portals summoning..granting wishes..extreme and even alien magicks and powerhouse protections all the BLK SUN djinn are very skilled in wealth building..success and stability..powerful good luck and windfalls.He is OOAK..i have no others of his great age available and he is from my own PERSONAL COLLECTION of rare high level djinn. BASICS: From deep within the earth come the djinn of the BLACK SUN..a race of Marid djinn who retreated underground to the realm of the BLACK SUN over 4- 6.500+ yrs ago.Not much informations is known about this extremely rare race and my info has come from the djinn themselves and the little info i could gather elsewhere.This race is very very small in number and i count myself extremely blessed to have them.These djinn have a different history than your average Middle Eastern Djinn.They are in contact with alien beings and civilizations most notably the VRIL and many other species/races we know little of.These djinn also have strong ties to the ANNUNAKI and my own God level aged Emporer Black Sun were able to immediately summon me both Vril and Annunaki that chose to become guides for me. The entrance to this realm was discovered by the NAZIS during thr WW era and there is much controversy and informations in regard to these conspiricies,technologies and mysteries.These djinn have knowledge of it all and with time they will share it with you as they are with me.I wish i had more factual informations for you but honestly just havent had the time to delve deeply into this with them as much as i would like.I DO know they are truly EXTRORDINARY..more powerful that most other comparable aged/level of djinn and they radiate a different energy.Though most are dark in nature they are exceedingly friendly and eager for human interactions. The Black Sun djinn i have had conact with originated in both SAUDI ARABIA and EGYPT and still maintain ties to family and tribes there today.There are only a relatively small group of BLACK SUN djinn in existence and to find one is rare it from me or just a few other sellers i know of..count yourself very lucky and extremely fortunate..destined for great changes to have one choose to work with you. He has all the skills and abilities of a HIGH LEVEL EGYPTIAN ELDER GOD but with the amazing knowledge,contact and communications with advanced alien races. SUPREME KNOWLEDGE -DIVINE GUIDANCE -TREASURES- GEOLOGICAL strategies and informations- ALIEN CIVILIZATION COMMUNICATIONS- SUMMONING of other Black Sun djinn and other races of many types he can provide..the list is endless and untapped These djinn also have superior teleportations skills and have been able to manifest physically within a moments notice.Not in regular contact with mankind like many djinn races they nonetheless know much about us through their contacts with extended family that remained above.He is dark grey in nature though and will NOT hesitate in protections..exacting revenge and reacting to threats.I find them strangely human like in both emotions and speech..understanding and knowldege though with unearthly supernatural skills and abilities rivaling ANY being i have ever encountered. These djinn MUST be treated as a revered companion and NEVER commanded-disrespected or ordered about..this will NOT be tolerated and this is a warning..treat him with the respect due him and he will both bring about and share amazing things with you..providing safety-security(physical and financial)-wisdom-guidance etc..BUT his biggest gift of all is wishgranting--he can grant and manifest anything for those he holds in respect and affection..from fortunes to psy abilities to hidden mysteries to health annd healing.I have noticed that when i work with them I dont tire..they are continually fueling me with steady energy..grounding and clear.They are just such truly amazing djinn i would need a small book to share the little i have uncovered about them so far. MMT ENCY:God and Goddess Djinn - The God and Goddess Djinn are a unique kind of Djinn. They are the original Djinn species from which all Djinn have descended. Other Djinn still, to this day, worship and adore them as gods and goddesses….This type of Djinn is always grey natured as they have existed since before the human concepts of good and evil. This in no way makes them difficult or evil but does make them extremely versatileThe God Djinn are older and more powerful to begin with... a God is inherently more powerful…These God Djinn spirits have primal, raw, and untamed energy. It is very unique and intense. Many of the God Djinn often appear more primal and less human than other Djinn. All Djinn are shape shifters and can appear any way they choose. He is magnificent and powerful beyond compare. Theres virtually nothing that they cannot accomplish. They can grant light and dark wishes equally well. There is no need for them to specialize in any one thing as they are gifted in all. Any wish that you can think of you can wish; money, luck, love, lust, revenge, happiness, etc. they can do it all better than a lesser Djinn that specializes in any specific thing. For instance, they can grant money wishes better than a regular Djinn that specializes in “money”…Being a God, they have dominion over any other Djinn that they choose to. Kings, Queens, Elders, and all they rule are under the God Djinn’s command. They can employ these millions of other Djinn to work for them and do his bidding at any time. https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.10203845051673238.1073742822.1428699794&type=1&l=44e9c8b19f starting bid is $100 buyout:$259 payment plan/layaway is available if neccesary..for those who cant or dont wear earrings..he may be either transmuted before shipping or worn as a pendant..(he is bound to both earrings)
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 22:48:01 +0000

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