soliloquies 1) A cock must not crow when there maybe a fox - TopicsExpress


soliloquies 1) A cock must not crow when there maybe a fox nearby. 2) A suggestion is always good for you when I dont have to follow it. 3) Achieved unpaid, lost paid. A free lunch always costs high. 4) Behind every great success, there are some compromises. Your success is what youve earned, not what you deserve. Success can never be deserved. Only the failures and vindictive people try to judge you only by the things you gave up for achieving the other ones and undermine your success. Not always you can choose your path; sometimes youre to accept it. What matters is whether you like it or not. Success is having one side compromising another one in such a way that makes the end happy. Yes, thats it! The value of anything is the price were ready to pay for it or were attributing to it. 5) Better to be defeated once by the BIG people, than to defeat always the SMALL people. 6) Between birth and death . . . . . . . .thats seen . . . . . . . .thats I ! Before birth and after death . . . . . . . .thats unseen . . . . . . . .thats You ! 7) Death is the only truth that never fails. 8) Dont judge how perfect others are. You arent that perfect either, in fact, nobody is. Just judge what theyve done with perfection. Its more important. Learn it. And, just do it. 9) Dont let your dress be smarter than you. Not always people are that stupid to be fooled. Dress smart, be smarter. 10) Dont try to claim yourself smart until and unless you do something really smart. Only stupids and flatterers grant your foolish smartness. 11) Either marry such a woman who is agree to marry only you, not your status, or marry such a woman whom you can spend your whole life to understand. 12) I just love to remake theories on exam scripts. My stupid brain sometimes likes to work on intelligent things. 13) I wish I could judge others not by what they show but by what they hide. 14) Identity is more important than existence . . . . . . . Others think, therefore I’m. 15) If you cannot help a person do something, you have no right to demoralize him/her saying that he/she cannot do it. 16) If youre not thinking about your dream, youre not thinking at all. 17) In life two things are needed: Patience to become successful . . . & . . . Tolerance to others jealousy when success comes. 18) Is having confidence essential for reaching success? Or, is reaching success essential for having confidence? The transition period between confidence and success is really difficult to pass through. 19) It took me almost 2 decades to decide what I really want. When Id decided finally, it took me only 1 year to get what I really want . . . . In short, this is the story of my life till date. 20) Life didnt come to us with a user-manual. So, its our right to use and to abuse it!! 21) My wastage of money on books is just as good as your investment of money on your maybe girlfriend. Everything pays in some way or other. 22) Never pre-judge a girl seeing her mother, you might get disappointed later! 23) Nobody cares for your honesty and nobody bothers about your dishonesty until and unless you interfere with their interest. 24) Not all beautiful young ladies are dumb and stupid, some are married too! 25) Not all questions can be answered. Not all answers should be questioned. 26) O God! Either make me comfortable with remembering peoples names or make them comfortable with my forgetting their names. Why am I gifted with an unpleasantly wonderful memory for forgetting things? 27) Sell what youve learnt. Buy what you havent learnt. Free learning hardly helps a learner . . . . . And remember, not always you can buy or sell everything with money! 28) Smart people teach, smarter people read, smartest people learn. 29) Sometimes its better to let go than hold on to something that was never meant to be for us, its harder said than done, but then thats the way life is, cant have always what we want . . . . . . 30) Success can buy silence. And, it often really buys. 31) The best part of beauty is what we cannot buy with money. 32) The sweet punishment of success is that people will overrate you and you will feel delightedly embarrassed. 33) The tragedy about beautiful girls with brain: Either beauty spoils their brain or brain spoils their beauty . . . Some exceptions exist, however. But the irony is, theyre engaged or married. 34) There are some people who can never appreciate. So, its foolish to judge yourself by what they say. Kind words are healthier than chicken soup. 35) They say, Hey! Youve grown much old, yet youve never been in love! Pathetic!! . . . . . I say, Huh! Everybody is always young enough to fall in love. . . . . . Pathetically optimistic Im . . . forever! 36) To be a good friend, you must learn to tolerate two things of your friend: Illness & Success. Your family is your only good friend. 37) We always remember that the reward of success is BIG. But what we often forget is that the reward is BIG only because only a few of us can become successful. 38) We create our own heaven. We create our own hell. There is no better heaven. There is no worse hell. 39) When I find and show excuses for my mistakes, I often forget that at the end of the day people will remember only my mistakes. People feel comfortable to judge you by your mistakes forgetting theirs. 40) When pople dont acknowledge your presence, just make them feel your absence. Not always its easy to accept ingratitude. 41) When someone judges you by what your grandfather was rather than what you are, be sure that he is still living in the age your grandfather lived. Now, its your choice whether you want to leave him to live in the time alive or to stay with him to live in the time dead. 42) When two strong entities enter your mind, one entity makes the other one weaker and tries to kick it out. Two weak entities can exist together, but two strong ones can’t. 43) When you decide to mix with SMALL people, you decide to show and tolerate SMALLER attitudes. Now, its your choice! 44) You cant eat the fruit you achieved and keep your mouth open at the same time. Let them talk who have failed to achieve it and hate to see you eat it. Just eat and enjoy.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:22:31 +0000

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