some big weekend looms ahead of me…. starting as early as - TopicsExpress


some big weekend looms ahead of me…. starting as early as tomorrow morning, i am beginning my move details. but not until i spend the early part of the day wit Shae Thurman my dear and long lost friend of many years… we are reuniting tomorrow morning for a joyful hug and hello at caribou coffee and this will mark our first time seeing one another in the better part of the last decade… following coffee i will be hightailing it back here to our place to begin the technical aspects of organizing and arranging our move for saturday morning. packing what little we have actually lived with in the house here may turn out to be more daunting a task than i might think… but with sweet happiness i am aware that the bulk of our STUFF is already neatly packed and ready to schlep into truckloads. thanks to freddies step sister, we are being loaned a considerable deal of furniture to fill the new place, a welcome happenstance as we abandoned or discarded so much of that sort of thing when we left our last place a year ago this time. it is my intent to box and bag and stage as much of our stuff as possible tomorrow and early friday to affect a simple move when the truck is at our disposal saturday morning. friday night i will be working… vampire monday… and saturday morning bright and early i am planning to begin the actual move itself. saturday night… vampire tuesday… is still a work night… and sunday i imagine i shall need to recover… but in the new digs… sunday night marks vampire friday… and monday immediately after i am due in court to answer the first of two subpoenas in the trial i dont want to have to deal with…. monday i am off…. and after court i hope to affect a little settling before retiring. tuesday i start another grueling week, and am looking forward to the time and space to begin cultivating our new home and transforming it into our castle…. but first things first… some sleep tonight and freddie and i are off in tandem to hot downtown… he for a meeting and i to meet Shae. we will reconvene circa 1130 and by one i shall be hard at it with the move duties. i am calling out of my class tomorrow evening… and banking on my hitherto perfect attendance to support my good standing in this, my first absence in months. monday i am graced by the comfort and support of the sweet enigma Lisa Meyer who has volunteered to shuttle and accompany me to court as a little assurance and moral support… jeez i do not want to do this trial thing… details on that to follow… until then, wish me luck. between now and then i shall continue this plugging along on my sober journey… keeping the faith, building my credibility, kicking ass and taking names….
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:13:31 +0000

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