some important IDIOMS-PHRASES - TopicsExpress


some important IDIOMS-PHRASES 14. To have several irons in the fire——so many engagement at a time 15. At crossroad———be in confusion 16. To die a dog’s death- unheroic death 17. A big shot—–important person 18. To beat about bush—-to talk about unimportant things 19. Rise from ashes———–to rise high from low 20. To put the cat among pigeons—to be placed in a wrong situation. 21. Cut the Gordian knot-to perform a difficult task. 22. To talk shop—to talk nonsense 23. In a tight corner—in a difficult situation 24. Hold water—–believe 25. At one’s wits end—–to be completely confused 26. cold water—–reject 27. To bury the hatchet—–to make peace 28. To face the music——-to face the problems 29. Out and out-totally 30. Green thumb—-to have natural in gardening 31. Pay through his nose-used his imagination 32. To stave off——prevent 33. In the good book- in favors with 34. In vain—- with no result 35. In black and white- in writing 36. Get the axe—-be removed or dismissed from job 37. By the book- strictly according to rule 38. Make a mess of—manage something badly 39. Under your nose ——-in full view of somebody 40. Died in harness——-die while still working 41. By skin of his teeth—-narrowly 42. by dint of—–by means of 43. In lieu of—–instead of 44. To and fro——-backward and forwards 45. In apple pie order—–in a very neat and tidy condition 46. Queer fish——strange person 47. Of no avail——of no use 48. At a stone’s throw——-at a very short distance 49. To bring the book——to punish 50. To call a spade and spade—speak openly 51. A dark horse—– 52. The gift of gab——-the quality of oratory 53. To end in smoke——ruined 54. A bird’s eye view——a good view 55. Adam’s wine—common water 56. Devil’s luck—good fortune 57. Green hand—–An experienced person 58. The salt of the earth—A very good person 59. Bolt from the blue—–an unexpected crises 60. At daggers drawn—-enemy to each other 61. within an ace of—very close to 62. talk turkey—-have a serious discussion 63. poking her nose—interfering 64. A wet blanket—–a person who spoils everything 65. down and out—–without money home or job 66. Ended in smoke—brought no success 67. Nine days’ wonder—something that remain for short time 68. Beating the air—-making a futile effort 69. Sat on the fence—avoid taking any side 70. A herculean task—A difficult task 71. Hobson’s choice of—no choice at all in 72. Head will roll—dismiss will occur 73. cheek by jowl—very near 74. To go the whole hog—to do it completely 75. Keep the wolf from the door—to keep away starvation 76. Bull in china shop—clumsy 77. In a jiffy—very soon 78. word for word—exactly 79. Cut of Gordian knot—to solve difficulty 80. Red carpet welcome—warm welcome 81. to draw his sword—to attack 82. Groping the dark—to remain in a state of ignorance 83. cat nap—short nap 84. fancy price—high price 85. Forty wink—short sleep 86. A duck in thunderstorm—distressed 87. To chew the cud—to think deeply 88. Flesh and blood—human nature 89. stir up a hornet’s nest—create trouble 90. A pipe dream—an impracticable plan 91. With might and main—with full vigor 92. Ended in smoke—to give no pratical result 93. a small fry— little important 94. pillar to post—one place to another 95. To cut the crackle—to stop talking and start 96. To miss the boat—to miss the opportunity
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 15:13:36 +0000

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