some of the most recent public comments from yesterdays Daily - TopicsExpress


some of the most recent public comments from yesterdays Daily Beast article entitled FOOLED AGAIN by Marc Rogers -----------------> # phrixus 2014-12-28 10:12 Wouldnt it be ironic if North Korea turns out to be more honest than the US government? Hopefully we havent sunk THAT low (although its not improbable). +3 # wrknight 2014-12-28 14:03 Quoting phrixus: Wouldnt it be ironic if North Korea turns out to be more honest than the US government? Hopefully we havent sunk THAT low (although its not improbable). Dont count on it. +11 # Agricanto 2014-12-28 16:28 The honest take is also coming from critics and viewers (rotten tomatoes). I saw the movie. Its really bad. It sucks. Toilet humor, ass jokes. Im sorry I spent 6USD to see this piece of shit. I think Sony was scared it was a bomb so they found a way to make it a hit. 0 # Interested Observer 2014-12-29 02:48 Just seeing who was involved in the movie was enough to make me sorry to see Freedom of Speech championed (by Robert Reich for one) on what would surely turn out to be a very shoddy platform. And it was. It is comforting that elite group of North Korean government hackers probably remains an oxymoron funnier than this stupid movie. +41 # sherryg 2014-12-28 10:18 A country of just under 25 million, which cant feed its own people, and which has about 5,000 internet users, is unlikely to have pulled this off. Nonetheless, it seems to be to the benefit of the distorted minds of some in the US government to blame the N. Koreans for this nonsense +61 # universlman 2014-12-28 10:27 Excellent investigative article - good for Mr. Rogers to write this eye opener and RSN to pass it on. +17 # John Escher 2014-12-28 10:31 This is infuriating. If Mark Twain was able to call for boiling in oil of certain elements in the society and to get away with that, I dont see why we cant do the same thing now. Boil the goddamned liars in oil. Before, one of these days, they start World War Three. +14 # bob_vogelsang 2014-12-28 11:46 Maybe, thats what they are trying to do !!! +31 # dickbd 2014-12-28 10:33 This further demonstrates that our baloney detectors should be up whenever we get information from one of our alphabet agencies, the CIA or the FBI, not to mention the DEA! How many lies do we have to be fed to become suspicious? Sometimes the simple explanation really is true. Maybe Iran really does just want a nuclear power plant, for example. But there has been so much venom directed at that country that no one is inclined to even consider that. +23 # Terry Allen 2014-12-28 10:35 Its been said Any publicity is good publicity..... An inside job to increase public attention to the movie, pump up profits and the Sony brand..... isnt that more likely what happened? State sponsored terrorism, the whole thing smells like a mini 9/11. +14 # tgemberl 2014-12-28 12:36 No, I dont think its something intentionally orchestrated by Sony. The writer is right that it has to be someone whos mad at them. To my mind, the leak and the controversy about the movie make Sony look pretty stupid. Its not good for their business. 0 # Interested Observer 2014-12-29 02:51 I immediately thought publicity stunt when this first came out, but it appears to bad enough for Sony in every variation that it probably was not, not even an attempt gone wrong. Has this nonsense pushed this turkey into the black yet? +17 # harleysch 2014-12-28 11:00 Lets see: the President lied, the FBI lied, and the media compliantly gave credibility to the lies. How is that possible????? In our free and democratic society!!!! Its not just the lies, but the intent behind them, to blind the American people to the imperial war drive underway, the same way the lies were propagated about who used chemical weapon in Syria, who shot down MH17, who was responsible for the violence in the Maidan....Not to mention the lies about the great robust economic boom on the way.... When is enough, enough?
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:02:54 +0000

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