some of you may know that there are times I get pretty cocky... - TopicsExpress


some of you may know that there are times I get pretty cocky... well I had been running around back and forth to Victoria with my dad in the hospital and was pretty amazed at how well these young living oils had worked on his brain fog and diabetic neuropathy... didnt mess with anything to do with his surgery except the mental fog that wouldnt break due to anesthesia, narcotics and a certain antibiotic they had him on. It broke my heart to see him stuck in those places in his mind although he knew where he was and everything current when asked. So I prayed with him and tried young living essential oils and it worked. Then I heard that my friends in Leander were still down with that stupid stomach virus... so I threw on some thieves and waltz into her bed room and she immediately told me to get myself out of there... I offered her a couple different oils but I did not pray for her because well we got sidetracked and I just plum forgot. I even said oh Im not gonna get sick I oiled up LOL Well about 24 hours later I was sick. okay so here is what I did best I can remember... PRAYED and apologized for not praying with them... thieves and purification in a epson detox bath, thieves in vaporizer first round, thieves and purification on my feet, peppermint, lemon and oregano oh and ginger on stomach, panaway for the headache and since I was afraid to drink the allergy mix last night I applied it to my forehead... hope I dont turn orange tomorrow from the lemon in the sun LOL drank glass of water... went to sleep... woke late last night and repeated the oils on my stomach and used purification on feet because I used the last of my thieves :( with purification in the vaporizer.... went to sleep... woke up with headache this morning used panaway... have been up moving around with no residual effects all day even out in the heat watering garden. Im told I killed it in that window of 8 hours because the warnings of the vomiting and what not that was supposed to hit at 12 hours in and never came. decided to stay home today to make sure I didnt have it lingering on me or recontact it but I really need to go get laundry soap... My Lesson about serving God has been expounded on... In Gods time, His Place, His Order, & in His Way (Prayfully first). Blessings to each of you. May your Independance day be filled with Amazing Gratitude for our Lord Jesus Christ and the American Veterans that have ensured our rights to still be able to Worship the King of Kings! Thank you to each and every one of you that served so that I may serve the Lord openly.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 00:51:18 +0000

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