something i wrote a while back... - TopicsExpress


something i wrote a while back... Stalking: Petty Tyrants, Coyotes & The Stalked perception of ego. The commonality between the Petty Tyrant (PT) and the Coyote (C), is they both can be perceived as modes of stalking and therefore are a necessary challenge, a warrior must face, to hone their awareness at whatever level they are attempting to know, and therefore gain power from. (btw power in the context of this post, is in relation to the amount of freedom, one allows themselves to express, in any given now moment. this expression of freedom may be perceived as power, but is of no concern to the one expressing freedom) Here the commonality ends.... A petty tyrant (PT) is after your attention, pure and simple. It has no awareness of being a PT. The PT, hasnt the conscious awareness of what it is doing. The perception of any PT, is on the basis that it is still on the cycle of attempting to know itself at an individual personal level. Its playground is still based on tonal interaction, gaining knowledge of other tonal manifestations, attempting to know itself, through external verification. The Coyote stalker (C), however falls into one of two categories. The first category is that of an unconscious coyote stalk, brought about by the context of an interaction. The C, tricks the stalked into awareness, even if it was not intentional. The second category is an intentional conscious stalk to trick the stalked into awareness. A coyote stalker, does not have to be a coyote stalker full time, although it knows, it is capable, of being a coyote. Its awareness is developed enough, to discern discrepancies in interaction. At this juncture, it cannot help being a coyote, presented with the right interaction landscape. It recognizes its prey, and by instinct and /or strategy, a gut urge to act, on its hunts it down. Coyotes are not concerned by any perception you may have about being prey. Neither are they personally interested in energy that may be gained by the drama of the hunt, that may or may not ensue. They attempt to focus energy on the perceived discrepancy, for it to be acknowledged, by the stalked. In effect, they just hunt to affect a death, a death of a fixed point of a-tension. The stalked awareness however, can have mixed reactions, to this attempted hunt to the death, which is what the coyote energy provides. It is those reactions, that thread back to the energy body of the stalked, pointing out where, a death (release) is to be found. Many a time instead of noticing a coyote stalkers nature of intent, or just being what it has been urged to become, through the context of landscape presented, instead of allowing the hunt and death to occur, the stalked awareness, under pressure from the attention of the coyotes presence, starts to question the coyote stalkers motives... This is a means of defence of the mind, defending its fixed perception and, the discrepancies existence. this of course inflames the coyotes anticipation and the hunt intensifies. It is interesting to note, that the stalked, often throws at the C stalker, the insistence that it is the Coyotes stalkers ego, that is in play. Far from the fact that the word ego is man-made, unspecific and therefore subjective, it just becomes another discrepancy in the energetic awareness of the stalked. When ego is mentioned, it is assumed by the stalked, that it is a universal fixed concept. That everyone suffers from having one, or, that it is in usage, in that situation. The reality however, is that, the stalked cannot grasp what death the coyote stalker is attempting to affect. It fears the hunt and what the process might disclose. Maybe indeed, if the stalked is fixed in its belief of an ego, they are projecting externally, what they might find, as a hook inside. ie. If you drop the concept from within, you may find yourself affecting the very death the coyote stalker has already achieved. Maybe, that is what it allows it to be a coyote...after its own many turns being the stalked, affecting their own little deaths each time. How else would they know what discrepancies you are emanating, if they hadnt been tricked into those deaths themselves. ~ Shamanka. 2013.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:45:10 +0000

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