sometimes its my opinion anyways that all of us just share things - TopicsExpress


sometimes its my opinion anyways that all of us just share things in a random fashion as to whats on our minds however this is not one of those days im thinking about life my age ,health,family,work ,relationships,so on and so forth just a whole catalog of things all at once and for some reason the most dominant thought pattern emerging is friendships and how they change over the years such as develop or deepen over the years or wither away for whatever reason or even how some of your best of friends dont seem to be more than casual pals anymore and as i think about this my heart saddens and faintly weeps for the days of when the sound of the ice cream mans tune was exciting or knowing you were gonna be hanging out at the park with your friends or whatever or even when the sh***y times in life happen that theres always that one friend thats always there for you well sometimes even that changes and you never thought it would and when those special places in your heart for those special people sometimes start to fade or just change and you begin to miss that but you move on with your life that spot gets filled but the void will always remain in your memories as will all the joys and sorrows that those memories may bring I think to myself how much of it would I change if I could if any its who I am and what some other person might change if they could would you change anything if your reading this post and you dont understand what im talking about you probably havent experienced as wide a range of things in your life as a great many of us have however have no fear you will and if youre wondering why im writing this dont worry about it jay is alright just trying to provoke some thought and maybe conjure up some feeling of reassurance for myself even that its not all for not and every friend current ,past,present or future is a blessing and is a beautiful and cherished memory for me in my life and if given the choice im keeping mine sometimes change is not good
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 04:06:04 +0000

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