*sorry for the rant nobody needs to read this but... yeah I didnt - TopicsExpress


*sorry for the rant nobody needs to read this but... yeah I didnt think Id rant so much* There has got to be some alternative education rather than forcing myself to get up and go to Red Creek School every morning. That place is nasty, full of unnecessary germs and people who dont give you a chance after their first impression. Its full of biased teachers who base their judgement on what my previous teachers have said and people who dont believe in a fresh start. Ive been going to Red Creek since third grade and people here act like Im still that annoying l0lz im soo random!!1!!1!!!! Third grader I was six years ago. Im 10000% done. All I ask for is unrestricted education where I can excel in the subjects I obviously show excellence in rather than teachers handing out biased grades because of personal judgement. 76 in English? You must be kidding me. I just received my common core test grades and I was in the over-excellence category in English. I preformed better than 95% of the kids in the state! I understand every piece of material placed in front of me and show nothing less than excellence. But she gives assignments where personal bias can weigh heavily. God, these teachers are so ignorant and so certain of themselves. Honestly Bonanno, Ford, and Keim are the only ones worth having. And the students are cruel... I have one friend who I can honestly say is a true friend. Most of the kids cant be bothered to shower or wash their hands and Im in a peitree dish of bacteria. Not that thatd be so bad if their personalities didnt match their hygiene levels. And Im not saying this goes for everyone but it goes for most people. Red Creek is absolutely toxic and Ill fight my hardest to go to another school or start home education because Im 10000% done with the people here. If you dont play soccer or weigh as much as a feather youre worthless here, and thats not the truth at all. Im intelligent, Im amazing Im NOT stupid. If these close-minded, ignorant, self-centred people would have looked, theyd have all seen that I changed immensely even within just the past few months. If I stay here any longer Ill turn into one of these brainwashed idiots, too focused on the past to see whats in front of me. I refuse that. I literally just want a fresh start where nobody knows how weird I was before. I want to be able to breathe without someone bringing up the past. I want to be recognized for what I can do NOW rather than what I couldnt do in 7th grade or 8th grade or whatever. I want to be home schooled or taught somewhere where I can be known for what I am now. You can say Im just being a moody teenager. You can say these are the hormones talking. But I honestly believe that if I spend one more day at Red Creek School I will literally give up. Ill be done. Im that close to the breaking point. I cant handle the stress of hearing people talk about who I WAS every 5 seconds. Ive tried so hard to show them what I AM and they act like Im the same. They act like Im stupid. If everyone around me believes Im so incompetent how the hell am I gonna set higher standards for myself? Id rather go to a military school right now, at least they push for you to be better rather than labelling you stupid without justification.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:25:37 +0000

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