spontaneous human combustion- high energy microwaves.. this is a - TopicsExpress


spontaneous human combustion- high energy microwaves.. this is a directed energy weapon and Illegal because it is a radiological dispersion device. Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less, said Paul Bernhardt, Ph.D., NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. This higher density plasma ball was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam. - See more at: nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2013/nrl-scientists-produce-densest-artificial-ionospheric-plasma-clouds-using-haarp#sthash.oJp5jIRt.ks4PmA83.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:42:34 +0000

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