starting to see patterns of the same people who troll every post - TopicsExpress


starting to see patterns of the same people who troll every post with hateful comments. They dont get to me. At least not personally, or in regards to my music/career. It does however make me feel sad for the state of the youth. So much wasted energy, misplaced hatred, and blatant ignorance being paraded daily in the digital world. Ive never felt the need to lash out at anyone, let alone a stranger. Are we really that pathetic, as a people? are we so starved for stimulation that we will shit on whatever we can, just to feel a momentary release of misguided frustration? The same kids that front like they support conscious causes and walk around with an air of being in tune with something bigger undermine that by spewing negativity from behind their keyboards and smartphones. So if you see me responding, dont think Im trying to defend myself or that Im offended. Im really just trying to figure out what kind of people these are, because so far every adamant hater Ive engaged either goes away or we learn something from each other..hell, sometimes we even become friends. More than anything, Its a perspective thats polar opposite from my approach to life, yet grown in the same relative environment, and the best way to see the bigger picture is to attempt seeing things from those kind of bizarro-vantage points. The older I get, the more I realize that its less hazardous to be curious than to be combative. I no longer have the energy to be negative, and the negativity of our society, the generations of medicating our imbalances and supplementing our depression, it makes me feel tired, it drains us all. And if youre frustrated, im willing to assume that it stems not from an artist you hate, but from the condition of our world. So if youre overflowing with that poison and cant keep from lashing out, try focusing it on the real evil around us. Theres plenty of worthy causes that need bodies, voices, opinions and anger to pull forward and maybe remedy the real reason youre being an asshole. Dont waste it half assed social attacking artists and people you dont know and barely care about. One day we shall all be one, even if were just dust. I wish you all good health and happiness. -Michal
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:18:24 +0000

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