{support Sunday: readers question} This is a question for - TopicsExpress


{support Sunday: readers question} This is a question for Sunday - anonymous please. I am not fifo but I love your page. A lot of u r often on your own so I find a lot of your advice really helpful - and u r all so lovely and helpful it sometimes gives me a cheery boost to read u helping each other! I am after some advice. I am the sole parent of a three year old girl and six week old girl. Without going into all of the details I will clarify that I am not a single parent - there is no father on the scene at all - no child support no visiting rights etc. I have raised my 3 yo completely on my own and am now doing so again with my 6 week old. I have some family nearby and they r great but they do work themselves and have their own lives. I certainly cannot rely on them to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home from work for example. Anyways - my problem is my six week old has severe reflux - she is cranky and irritable and sleeps in short bursts, feeds terribly - we have a specialist appointment in a few weeks but in the meantime I am averaging 2-3 hours sleep a night (and not consecutively). Im starting to struggle with being so tired - and feel my poor three year old is the one suffering! I dont have the time or energy to give her the attention she needs. Many of u have to deal with children and babies with partners away - how do u deal with the fatigue? What coping strategies do u have? How have your children dealt with new babies and a shift in routine/attention? I appreciate any advice! X
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:00:27 +0000

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