surfer53.wordpress/2013/07/11/holy-matrimony-the-folly-of-trust/ - TopicsExpress


surfer53.wordpress/2013/07/11/holy-matrimony-the-folly-of-trust/ For the male gender, marriage is a damn near wholly unnecessary arrangement that only serves to emasculate the guy involved, leading to an eternity where the relationship lacks choice. You’re not choosing to be with the other person. You’re almost stuck with a contract that states she gets half if you leave. It becomes about dollar signs rather than commitment or love (whatever that is). If there’s one purpose it does serve from the male perspective it is to enslave yourself to another woman other than your mother. That’s a little disrespectful. On the other hand, if she’s giving you that wonderful ultimatum after a significant passage of time in the relationship, what choice do you have? Then there’s that stunning recognition that you’re not Tiger Woods.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 09:41:20 +0000

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