talkgroupaustralia HJust thought id share this story if anyone is - TopicsExpress


talkgroupaustralia HJust thought id share this story if anyone is interested. You can find it on the website. My Vision, An unforgetable experience. 10/10/2014 0 Comments I feel this was my awakening into everything that followed and to where I am today. I Have had Jesus, Mary, Arcturian Star beings, Angelic beings, Indian chief White cloud and Seth ( Micks ET )present in my life and they are all working together with me ,and for me, and for everyone. One night on a very regular day, it was time for bed. As I lay down and gradually drift off to sleep, I started to dream. This wasn’t a dream like any normal dream sequence. It was profound. I was there in the moment. It was real. All of my senses were profoundly activated in that moment. You know sometimes you have a dream, but it was so much more REAL LIKE than other dreams. The only way to my knowledge to describe such a thing was that at that moment, “I was having a VISION .A VISION of JESUS Himself in the flesh !!! I was bush walking. I was with 2 other people, male, but not sure who they were? We walked up a track that was on the side of a hill or cliff. It was rocky and had green vegetation around, like the type of natives you see around Australia. I stopped at the top of the rocky hill and I believe there was a body of water below or at the bottom of this rocky hill. The men I was with were a couple of paces behind and talking to each other. As I stopped at the top they were still coming along the track to where I stood. I looked up to the sky. It was blue but with white pillowy clouds. As I looked at the clouds in a particular spot ,they began moving and swirling inward like a mini tornado up in the sky . My first reaction was …this is strange. said to the guys who were still talking “Hey ,look at that”. By the look on their faces ,they couldn’t see what I was seeing. Can you see that” I said ? NO” they said Then I was captivated by what I saw next. They clouds parted and what appeared to be the shape of a mans upper body. Head, shoulders, torso, waist and then clouds below here. I was wearing a white hooded robe with blue trim. I knew instantly who it was !! He had Blue eyes Blue like the bluest sky. The iris ( the coloured part of the eye) had no flaws or imperfections. It was crystal clear .You could see into his soul, and yes he had a PURE It was JESUS !! His arms stretched out in front as if to pick me up, palms facing up. I cannot describe it was like a powerful force or power-punch’ lm not sure how to explain the feeling that came over my body , but I fell to the ground on my knees with a very hard thud. Almost like I was pushed down into that position. I should have felt pain, the thud was that hard and I heard it, but I felt nothing. I pulled my hands close to my chest in the pray position as if it was a form of respect and that just came very natural to me at that moment , as ,I Leigh Kerr was presented in front of Jesus. I remember I was feeling a bit frightened at this stage. I wasn’t afraid of Jesus but of what was happening or why it was happening. He stood there in front of me. He was an amazing sight ! So many times since that day, I have longed to see him again. In his flowing white loose fitting robe, with a loose fitting hood. He had the most amazing eyes I have ever seen. They were Blue . Yes Blue soul! There was a radiance about him . His spirit shone outward. His facial features were Ethnic looking. He had white skin and his hair was shoulder length and wavy. It was brown with a reddish tinge in it. A long slender face. He looked fragile not robust. He had a long nose- bump in the bridge of his nose and Bony brow. He had his usual beard, like in pictures you see. If you have ever seen “The Shroud” cloth from Turin. It is he who ,is on that cloth .Many say that is not him but that is the face I saw. Although he died at age 33 as it is said , to me he did look a little older, not like a 33 year old in this day and age. He began talking to me telepathically. His mouth did not move. I began hearing his thoughts from his mind . Transferred from his mind to my mind. Some with pictures and some without. I will mention some things he said to me in this text although I cannot remember the order in which he told me , and it is only in time that a lot has come back to me or through Hypnotic regression that most has been recalled, for when I awoke in the middle of the night after my vision, I could not remember much of what he said. (was later told in a regression that all will be revealed when the time is right) He told me that he is THE TRUTH. And that I KNOW the Truth ( Leigh knows) I take this personally as l have my own set of belief systems in place and he was just confirming that I was correct. He told me that you trust people by their eyes. You will know who is good and who is evil by a persons eyes. And we have all heard the expression - The eyes are the windows to the soul! He proceeds to tell me how everything in life is all interwoven and inter-connected. He shows me an image of a golden threaded blanket or cloth. He separates the fibres of the woven cloth into separate stands were are like golden threads mixed with light and he divides one thread to show me how the one thread is again made up of many separate fibres and so on and so on. He explains that everything that is or ever was is based on a mathematical formula or has some kind of a code. Ie the human body has a “Genetic”code and so does everything. This next paragraph is written in my words to describe what he said as I don’t remember word for word ,so im only trying to convey the general message not quote his words. I do not want to offend Jesus as it may not be completely accurate. He was saddened by Religion. It isn’t the way it was intended. Everything has been changed and mixed up and made complicated. It is suppose to be about love and forgiving and being united through love as one . Simple and un -complicated. But the truth is Religions compete and segragate . There are too many rituals and rules and people are confused and there are people who get hurt by corruption all in Jesus Name. His is sad for this. This was also my own belief system His facial features were Ethnic looking. He had white skin and his hair was shoulder length and wavy. It was brown with a reddish tinge in it. A long slender face. He looked fragile not robust. He had a long nose- bump in the bridge of his nose and Bony brow . He had his usual beard, like in pictures you see. If you have ever seen “The Shroud” cloth from Turin. It is he who ,is on that cloth. Many say that is not him but that is the face I saw. This was also my own belief system. He proceeds to tell me something very important. He tells me that he has a special task for me in the future.I have been chosen for this task. He tells me I don’t need to know what this is yet but I will know when the time is right . Im not sure to this day whether he will come again and tell me, or whether I will just know!! I simply just let life take its course. It was revealed under Hypnosis approximately 2 years later ,that it has to do with helping hundreds of people. (Much to my astonishment) After communicating with jesus and still crying with joy while he is talking to me I wake up quickly with a jolt. I sit up in bed and im still crying. Tears were streaming from my face. This has never happened before ..ever!! I awoke in the early hours of the morning (approximately 4;30 am) Im trying to grasp what has just happened. I remember most things said at this stage. Im euphoric. Never been like it before and never been like it since. I feel like lve had a visit from a long lost friend. I cant wait to tell everyone but its only early in the morning. I decide to sleep some more and its when I wake up this time that lm having difficulty remembering it all but it DID HAPPEN. For one week .. l was untouchable . My feet didn’t touch the ground.I felt the best ive ever felt in my whole life ,even better than on my wedding day! I was glowing with light within and everyone noticed. They would comment that I looked radiant! When something so profound happens to you ,its almost too good to be true. And in my heart I knew it was TRUE but the human side of me kicked in and I was feeling like No…. this cant happen to me……im just an ordinary person.. Im was only part time religious and now im not religious at all ...but very spiritual. So for that week I couldn’t think of anything else and I said to Jesus in a private moment .” I need to know if its REAL” It was exactly seven days to the night of my vision that while l slept I had yet another beautiful vision. It was a shorter vision but yet still profound in everyway. It was Mary. The mother of Jesus . She stood before me above . Her hand s outstretched as were jesus hands. She was beautiful. White skin. Dark hair. Small framed woman with gentle features and a small mouth. Light Blue flowing material draped over her body. She just gave me a small smile. Nothing said No need too ! They had answered my question. IT WAS REAL !!!! Previous comments CommentsKen Green([email protected]) 09/08/2014 12:43 Leigh you are definitely blessed her. There would be thousands just wishing for something close to this to give them comfort. I understand your feeling as I feel with compassion for all that is happening to and with our planet. it is only love and for those not yet aware to achieve such changes for a world that I would love to see for all. JUde Keen(jcatkeen@gmail) 05/10/2014 17:01 Hi Leigh, what a truly amazing story.. No way was that just a dream - it was very unlike the usual oddly bizarre dreamscapes.. Im convinced - especially by the way Jesus demonstrated how life is interwoven with the fibres of golden cloth, and also how Mary appeared to you when you asked for confirmation. It all makes sense, and most importantly you were given a message... Thank you for writing this for us to read, (and thank you for a lovely evening yesterday:) Best wishes x 0 Comments Author Written by Leigh Kerr. This is her personal experience in 2005.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:10:12 +0000

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