teaser Tuesday from Healing Hands unedited and subject to - TopicsExpress


teaser Tuesday from Healing Hands unedited and subject to change. I turn from Ashlyn and start back to the couch grabbing a blanket to take off the chill of the sadness. Silently I relax onto the couch, covering myself. I just realize that the television has been on this entire time that I had been filling her in on my day but had fell into the background as we talked too distracted by my need to unleash my worries onto the one person who I know that I can count on. Grabbing the remote I switch off the television and lean back resting my eyes. Ashlyn is still just standing in the middle of the floor staring at the wall when I close my eyes. Minutes tick slowly by while I wait. Finally I hear a throat being cleared in front of me, so I open my eyes to find Ashlyn standing before me. In that brief moment as my eyes take in her facial features, do I realize just how lucky I am to have this wonderful person to call my best friend. I don’t see anger, repulsion, or any denial in her eyes at all like I had expected from her. I knew I shouldn’t have been worried about Ash thinking I was a major freakaziod but I was. Honestly, in a way that’s how I am seeing myself at the moment. What kind of freak can bring things back from the dead or even just take ickyness away from people to make them feel better. If I am able to do this now, then why couldn’t I have done it when it would have mattered the most to me? If I had this gift or whatever it is then why couldn’t I save my mom from dying. She was the light in my world and I hate being here without her in it. I’m tossed out of my internal wrestling program when I hear the front door slam. You can hear Sloane’s footsteps getting closer as he walks down the hall. I look up at Ashlyn, the way she is still staring at me with worry showcasing in her eyes breaks my heart in two. Shaking my head slightly looking away when I say, “We will have to discuss this later. I don’t want anyone else knowing I’m a freak right now.” Slowly I stand and walk towards the kitchen to help organize the take-out food that he had come home with. “Gemma….” Ashlyn starts grabbing my arm gently but I hold my hand up to stop her from continuing. “Just don’t.” Shaking my head, I turn abruptly pulling my arm out of her grip and continue into the kitchen. I am tempted to turn around and finish our talk but I don’t know this guy she brought home. I definitely don’t want this stuff to get out and into the wrong person’s hands about this ability that I have suddenly developed. Maybe it was just a freak occurrence and then it won’t happen again. With my luck, I’m sure that won’t be the case.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:24:10 +0000

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