Apple’s “powerful” iPhone 5S ad mocks - TopicsExpress

   Apple’s “powerful” iPhone 5S ad mocks Samsung Galaxy S5’s heartbeat sensor Apple released a new iPhone 5S called powerful for its new tagline, “You’re more powerful than you think.” This ad shows off the iPhone 5S’s multimedia capabilities, but in the 90 seconds long video there is a small yet not-so-subtle dig at Samsung. The video is focuses on the iPhone 5S’s capabilities to create music, play games and make videos. But a 69 seconds into the video, an athlete is seen holding the device to check his heartbeat. Though at first glance it might look innocent, it is quite a clever dig at the heart rate sensor on Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Samsung’s flagship smartphone has a heartbeat sensor below the camera, which was one of the most talked about features along with the fingerprint scanner. So Apple is essentially saying that you don’t need to buy the Galaxy S5 to check your heart rate. Earlier this month, a video had surfaced online which compared the heart rate sensor against a hear rate sensing app running on the Galaxy S4 and the iPhone 5S. The results were the same, and in fact in a few attempts, the apps were more accurate than the sensor on the Galaxy S5. This is not the only thing worth seeing in the advertisement. The game being played in the video is Pacific Rim, a game developed by Reliance Big Entertainment.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:00:00 +0000

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