tell me one single reason why should I vote for BJP (not MODI). I - TopicsExpress


tell me one single reason why should I vote for BJP (not MODI). I know Modi is a great guy but alone Modi is not BJP. If BJP has one Modi then it has thousands Yeduruppa and Gadkari as well. Why should we take risk by voting in favor of BJP and Congress??? Why dont we give a chance to AAP . . . . Friends aap sab ko nahi lagta ki 2014 se pahle team anna ka bikharna , narendra modi jaise hindutva wadi ko arvind kejariwal ka vikalp banaya jana. Anna ke aandolan ke waqt i think sare desh ko congress aur bjp me koi jyada farq nazar nahi aata tha....right . . . . Ek baat aur what you mean by divide and fall??? On which context you want to unite the country??? Unity on basis of Hinduisim or on basis of Anticorruption??? Where were these politician when people were demanding for a strong JanLokpal...where were these politician when coal mines were distributed freely???? Again I am saying Modi and Shivraj Chauhan are politician having clean image and I will be very much happy if anyone of them becomes PM. But BJP and congress are two sides of the same coin... . . . . What every one should see is that atleast Arvind kejriwal is sitting there and answering the questions of the common all people. when has any politician answered even a single question in so much detail before on tv..?? . . . . Friends we are fighting for a corrupt free nation not against any party. Even if Modi comes to power do you really think he can work independently inside such a party where everyone is fighting to become suprior. Anyway I am not a person who has in depth knowledge in politics and all. I am more of a person who was awoken by Arvind and Anna to realize my power of vote. . . . . Friends..whatever be our political inclination. The reason we are so passionate about is because we all want the best for our country and Modiji and Kejriwalji are just pawn in the whole ecosystem. There are two models we have here. One is a one man show(modi) who claims to single handedly propel india to forefront and stop all corruption with confirmed tainted ministers, the other option(kejriwal) is a person who says I myself cannot do it lets just bring the best people (who have no case of corruption, who have done and shown good work in public life) and let them give a chance to do good who otherwise no political party would let them gain ticket (see for ex all the BJP and congress ticket holders many of them have given to their sons, daughter and family members). I think for me the choice is to bring good people who want to do something for the country. Forget Kejriwal he is not important. The choice is yours do you want to bring modi(by the way he is also not that clean) along with criminals or do you want to bring people who are clean and have so far done work without any political aspirations). I think this is in a long time we have been given a choice. . . . . The one thing that sets Arvind Kerjriwal apart from the rest is that he is willing to admit that he is not perfect and is willing to looking into his own short comings. For all those who are anti-kerjriwal, I request you to kindly not dismiss him. His book titled Swaraj is available legally for free on the internet. Download it and read it. Its only 75 pages. But it is revolutionary in those 75 pages. Arvind may claim to be an Aam Aadmi but that is out of choice. He is an IIT-ian! . . . . I think he has been blessed by souls of many great personalities: Gandhis honesty/truth n internal strength to stand for a cause; Boses vigor n confidence to fight on his own; Bhagat singhs zeal and ability to sacrifice for which he believes in; and swami vivekanandas vision to see and establish better India for future gen. We are lucky to have him in this time of darkness. . . . . To criticise anybody is the most simplest job. At least he is trying to do something. And think which person who is commissioner in IT dep quit his job only to being criticised by so called intellectuals. I belive him alot and he atleast deserve one chance. He is the only hope. I m fully agreed with him. . . . . INDIAN DIASPORA........ THIS IS THE TIME TO REFLECT ................. You have been waiting in frustration for 67 years for an opportunity to help change Indias misery. Your homeland has been hijacked by greedy dynasties, goondas, nation looters and criminal netas who are looting the nation. Many of you have been waiting for 30, 40 years since their young age. You think about going back to India, the beautiful land you grew up in, the place your parents live in... the affinity and memories... You want to go back and help their motherland. Many cannot even see their dying parents back home. Every time you visit back home in India.... the government corruption, mistreatment and harassment starts right at the airport in customs, again at taxi, etc. The journey of misery starts...... You realize that you live better even as second class citizens in the U.S. and U.K. Indians overseas are itching to see a sweeping change in India. AAP ADAMI has come around as that change agent..... a real hope for the first time. The young and old are sending money to AAP..... left and right. It has been a ground swell. People are excited. People are hoping that AAM ADAMI can crush the corrupt parties of Congress and BJP......HELP AAM ADAMI TRANFORM INDIA AND CLAIM OUR BELOVED NATION BACK FROM THE NATION LOOTING DYNASTIES.? . . . . Mr. Kejriwal is worth giving a chance...All the corrupt politicians have fooled people enough & continued with the loot...This guy talks sense & I stand by his ideolgy.... . . . . The irony in India. First we cry about why there arent more educated and nice people going into politics. And if someone does, people say that he is politically ambitious. Hate the double standards. . . . . Ek aur baat doston..Why so much established procedure. We are a fast growing country. We want janlakpal fast and immediate. Its own right we want it now,the procedure is for the people of the country. If mr.arvind kejriwal has broken procedures he has done nothing wrong we applaud him for that.? . . . . I don know why media people are raising issues against a good working leader instead of supporting him to eliminate corruption and to develop India.. Shame on these people, Stop pointing at unnecessary things and support him in concentrating more for the country... ..right . . . . And finally i will say AAM ADAMI IS GOING TO DISRUPT THE GAME OF NATION LOOTING ................ Watch Out! Corrupt Congress and BJP... AAM ADAMI IS GOING NATIONAL! AAP will find clean candidates and produce results within weeks of election. No more corruption, no more nation looting, no more staying in power for 30, 40, 50 years, no more installing stupid children in power, no more dynasty politics, no more stealing from government treasury, no more special interests, no more appointing corrupt judges, no more controlling CBI, no more heading all sports bodies by ministers, no more government harassment of common man by income tax, RTO, police, traffic police, passport office, licenses and permits, no more college donations, no more back door admissions, no more escapes to rich and privileged from back door, no more criminal and immoral MLAs, MPs and ministers, no more mistreatment of women, no more VIP culture and no more shameless chumacha culture. ? . . . . JAI HIND VANDE MATRAM
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:02:17 +0000

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