test-pare Good Day Guys. My name is PUSPA. Im still student - TopicsExpress


test-pare Good Day Guys. My name is PUSPA. Im still student in TEST-English School. I am going to share my writting about history of English Language and my opinion. If you have a lot of time to read my writting, please correct my writting and give me your suggestion. Many thanks. HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE English language is global language. All people in the world use English language to communicate with another and English language makes people easy to learn anything. All people are more interest to learn English language than other languages. This essay will explain more detail about English language and history of English language. Actually English language is important element to political negotiation and international business. As know international business needs global language to make easy on negotiation and make annual report or export import activity that activity needs a lot of forms of report. English language is become international language for job science and medicine literature. International 3D said “passage airplane have to speak English” that it is major foreign language talk in most school in south of America and Europe. Nowadays, pupils in Japan and Philippines learn English language at early age and English used more than 75 countries in the world which include Britain, Canada, United State, Australia, and South Africa but in many countries not use English language or different language spoken, they are often use additional English language with official language to help people communicate with foreigner. For example, in India more than one billion in the country, they have 25 languages spoken but they use common English language. Big question is when and where English come from. The answer of the question is from 4000 years ago. The ancestor of European use Greek, Germany and Britain language. The Greek language used to Spanish, French and Italian. Germany includes Dutch, Spanish, Germany, Norwegian, Swedish, and other country with developing English language. Modern language is English innovation by many years ago. As know that English language first is Old English. Old English is language which difficult to understand. There is only a few expert form can read. Nevertheless half of modern English language came from Old English language roots. After Old English, in 766 several people know about Norman language. This era had new rule which people should speak only French languages. However, several people understand and common use old English language. Language is importance part for educated people. all people have to understand about French language. On the other hand law and government use Old English and change on Norman French. Furthermore, 800 years ago all people begun understand about middle English. In this year people was begun use mix of French and English languages. In middle English people begun knew about poem and read book. They created poem and book. English language was important part in this era. From book and poem, modern English people know about situation and all of part from this era was captured by poem and books. And the last history about English language is Modern English. Modern English have use been until now. Study about English language is important to learn. English language make easy to communicate and negotiation with international people in the world. English languages have many accents in the world. Actually different country have different accent. Knowledge about English language can help to face with challenge and free market in next year. Nowadays, English languages include by root old English and French language. Globalization makes people have to increase ability of English. Rieky Ricco Rizqa Ahmadi Bin Nyaman S1 Transfer Manajemen 2011 UNS Basket Ball S1 Transfer [ feel the GamE !!! ] & Sing a Song Industrial Management 08 PanCha Ndrya Fitri Mukti Wijayanti Respati Syam Utami Dwi Ratna Indri Hapsari Imam Pratio
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 02:19:05 +0000

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