testyourself.psychtests/ Studies on patients with brain damage - TopicsExpress


testyourself.psychtests/ Studies on patients with brain damage have allowed scientists to determine how each side of the brain controls different functions. The left hemisphere, for example, specializes in language skills and logic. The right hemisphere allows us to recognize shapes and faces and express and read. Most people are not likely to be strictly left-brain or right-brained - we use each side of our brain depending on the task were dealing with. However, some theorists and researchers believe that there may be one side of the brain that we draw on more, which can in turn make the personality traits characteristic of that side of the brain to be more dominant than others. How to read your results: If you score closer to the right side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically right-brain. If you score closer to the left side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically left-brain. If you score somewhere in the middle, you share characteristics of both sides of the brain. Overall Result 38 In your head, its the left hemisphere that rules the right to run your life. Your world runs like clockwork - perfectly organized and systematic, with everything done on time. A messy room or misplaced paperwork? Not in your left-sided world! Youre likely a conscientious and meticulous individual who is almost always well-prepared for everything and anything. Complex problems or difficult decisions are handled with ease and expertise: you break things down, analyze them step by step, and come to a well-informed and thought-out conclusion. You are extremely comfortable expressing yourself verbally, and likely prefer taking a theoretical rather than practical approach to understanding the world around you. Being ruled by emotion or impulses is not in your nature - no matter what you do, its always think first, act later. Although this may indicate that youre not much of a risk-taker extraordinaire, it does imply that you can be trusted to always have a Plan B and to be ready for whatever obstacles come your way. While some people may have difficulty making sense of this fast-paced, topsy-turvy world, your logical and rational nature helps you put everything into perspective. Lifes big picture is important, but its the little things that matter most to you. No matter how complex your life gets, you always manage to figure things out and set them right again.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:43:08 +0000

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