thank you all for your kind words and concern for my well being. - TopicsExpress


thank you all for your kind words and concern for my well being. Seems that I have a kidney infection. Pain started last week but only during the night. Made it through my birthday with my surprise visit from Carol Schiefer even though I was still having the nighttime pains. Heck, I was not about to spend time at the Dr. while Carol was here! But by Monday it was worse so Gail acted quickly and set up a Dr. appt for Tuesday at 5pm. They took blood and urine sample and referred me for a Cat Scan on Thursday. Cat scan showed no kidney stones with a slightly enlarged liver. I could feel the pain coming on that morning of the cat scan and by that night I was in severe pain. Gail had talked to the Dr. and got the prescription for pain meds and antibiotics which I took when she got home. All seemed fine until I took the 2nd does and couldnt keep it down. By around 8 pm I was in such severe pain that Gail took me to ER. They gave me some injectable pain meds and we went home which I felt great. As soon as I got home, I vomitted. Gail gave me anti nausea meds but I couldnt even keep that down so by 3 am Gail took me back to the ER. The doc gave me some anti nausea meds but I couldnt even keep that down. The Doc tried something else and then gave me pain injection through IV and all looked good 20 minutes or so later so they took the IV out and was about to send me home when I vomitted again. That was then the deciding factor that i had to be admitted. It was hours later that they found me a room and moved me from the ER room. I had so many different people come in and take blood pressure, etc. that I never knew who was my actual doctor. Anyway, for anyone that has been admitted to the hospital, it can be a good thing or not so good. I have had two total knee replacements so I am not new to having to stay in a hospital but this was different. I was very courteous to anyone who came in to do what they do but by around 3 am I rang the nurse and asked her many questions as to what was in my IV, was I getting any pain meds, was I receiving any antibiotics, etc and was satisfied but truly I had visions of pulling out my IV and calling a taxi to bring me home. I was oh so close and even told the doctors that morning that I felt like a silent ticking time bomb in that I needed to get home. I also asked her for pain meds in my IV and explained to her what I was feeling. She obliged as it was on my chart. I felt a little better. The 3 doctors that are finally handling my case are very nice and went over everything with me while Gail was also there. After the docs left, I told her that if they ask me to take any pain pills to see if I could keep them down, I was going to fake swallowing them because I really, really needed to get home. I was just about in the clear with the doctors giving me the ok to be released when 10 minutes later the nurse that had given me the injectable pain meds came in as she told the docs that she had given me pain meds during the night. She was going to make me take pain pills to see if I could keep them down cus if I couldnt keep them down I couldnt be released. I told her that I wasnt feeling anymore pain so I dodged the bullet on that one! Since being home I have had no more pain and no meds were prescribed but I have been sleeping a lot since yesterday and drinking lots and lots of fluids. Anyway, I only wrote about what happened to me so that by writing it I know that I need to make changes with my diet and such. Its a blessing to have such a wonderful caring roommate like Gail Smith as I know all too well how lucky I am to have her in my life. We just put all the dogs out to run, Singe will get her spa day since her puppy count xray is Wednesday, Fuchsia is out running and happy to be away from her pups for awhile, Swirl continues to hold steady with no signs of having her pups today. Now I will tend to the Fuchsia pups and take some video. Yes, life is good again!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 20:18:04 +0000

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