thank you god for your son, Thank you jesus for dieing for my - TopicsExpress


thank you god for your son, Thank you jesus for dieing for my sins and making me whole,showing me how to love and forgive as you did for me. I give my all to you. God is good all the time!! You Are Valuable “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16 NLTLet this scripture minister deeply to your heart today. No matter how you may feel, you matter a great deal in God’s Kingdom. You are an instrument in His symphony and a beautiful expression of Him in the earth. No more valuable than any other part, but valuable nonetheless. To the Lord you are very special and when you obey Him by doing your part you cause a tremendous amount of strength to flow throughout the body of Christ. Your obedience blesses and inspires others more than words. Your obedience causes the whole body to be healthy, to grow and to be full of love. You are vitally important to your brothers and sisters in Christ whether they realize it or even acknowledge it. God is affirming you today. He is saying, “You matter to Me. Don’t you see? I called you for such a time as this. Walk not with your head hung low as if you have nothing to give. I have filled you with My Spirit and grace. I have given you My all. Give your all to Me. Give your all. Let Me use you to the fullest extent. Let me be glorified in you. For you matter and you are valuable to Me. ”Prayer: Father, You are my God and I praise You. I consecrate myself to You now and recommit my life to You for Your use. Until Jesus returns for me, use me and get the glory from my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:20:24 +0000

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