thank you to Darren for sharing this link hypocrite - TopicsExpress


thank you to Darren for sharing this link hypocrite atheism its really gotten some atheists exercised. Its amazing to me how many atheists claim to be deep thinkers and yet seem totally incapable of thinking through some of these kinds of statements. They have knee jerk reactions and start barking about how un-Christlike it is to say things like this. to believe that you know without question, without reservation, without doubt that God doesnt exist is one of the most conceited, arrogant things imaginable. Yes, there are people out there so in love with themselves that theyll say it. But I dont think there are that many. Not even Richard Dawkins will say it. Check this out: He is regarded as the most famous atheist in the world but last night Professor Richard Dawkins admitted he could not be sure that God does not exist. He told the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, that he preferred to call himself an agnostic rather than an atheist. The two men were taking part in a public dialogue at Oxford University at the end of a week which has seen bitter debate about the role of religion in public life in Britain. Okay, first of all, the fact that Dr. Rowan Williams was arguing opposite Richard Dawkins does not impress me. Williams is about as strong on defeating evolutionary thought as a monkey. I enjoy the fact that Dawkins - supposedly the most brilliant evolutionist in the world - resigns himself to debating only those who tilt towards the evolutionary side to begin with. He will not take on some of the leading Creationists who are out there. Its very peculiar and telling, actually. But thats another topic for another day. Anyway, here was the moment when the revealing comment took place: There was surprise when Prof Dawkins acknowledged that he was less than 100 per cent certain of his conviction that there is no creator. The philosopher Sir Anthony Kenny, who chaired the discussion, interjected: Why dont you call yourself an agnostic? Prof Dawkins answered that he did. An incredulous Sir Anthony replied: You are described as the worlds most famous atheist. Prof Dawkins said that he was 6.9 out of seven sure of his beliefs. I think the probability of a supernatural creator existing is very very low, he added. Now, it shouldnt be surprising. Again, think of the arrogance it takes to say that you have enough knowledge about the universe, and science and mathematics and everything that goes on that you can say with certainty theres nothing going on out there beyond your grasp. That kind of certainty is mind-boggling arrogance. Its one of the dirty little secrets of the atheist community: they arent really atheists in the purest sense. Theyre agnostics. Or as Christians call them, seekers. They are people that for some reason have sought to explain away everything that exists apart from anything supernatural. But just as they love to point out that believers cannot use science to prove the existence of God, they cannot use science to prove the non-existence of God. peterheck/libtree/liberty_tree/view/1974/richard_dawkins_renounces_atheism
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 08:44:02 +0000

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