thankful for feeling the sun, the wind, for being alive, for the - TopicsExpress


thankful for feeling the sun, the wind, for being alive, for the friends life gave me, for being able to walk, to breath, to hear, to touch, to see. thankful for my family, for my mother, for my father, for my sisters and my brothers. im thankful every day of my life, for having opportunitites and being able to choose. for all this i also feel responsible to share all that i have and to create opportunities to others. this is my promise today and forever. agradezco poder sentir el sol, el viento, de estar viva, por los amigos que la vida me regalo, por poder caminar, respirar, escuchar y ver. agradecida por mi familia, mi madre, mi padre, mis hermanas y mis hermanos. agradezco cada dia de mi vida, por tener oportunidades y poder elegir. por todo esto tambien tengo la responsabilidad de compartir con aquellos que no tienen y crear oportunidades. esta es mi promesa hoy y para siempre.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:59:00 +0000

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