thanks to Dai Daks Irawan for reminding me about Reza Aslan... I - TopicsExpress


thanks to Dai Daks Irawan for reminding me about Reza Aslan... I was reminded of another of his interviews that I think is much more important than the CNN / Fox spat (cause an elementary school kid in Indonesia could have busted their sub par questions). What this full length show gets from him is one important truth. Yes, it is factual that extremists are not representative of a religion as a whole, but it would be impossible to deny that certain bastardisations coming from it arent part of the problem. And this needs to be addressed not as a separate entity, but as part of it. (*Please do not read on if you are not open to criticism in matters of faith, as I am about to get up close and personal.) His case in point is Saudi Arabia and Wahabbism (and i will not use the term Salafist specifically because I want the meaning to be derogatory... and no this is not Sunniism as a whole but merely a small and dangerous part of it). We generally accept and know of the term Sunni and Syiah, but not many would know historically of Wahabbism. This is a bastardisation of Islam that was created (yes, CREATED by humans) 150 years ago. In historical periods this idea of Wahabbism is MODERN. It is not in any sense a PURE form of Islam (personally i would go with the time of the Prophet up to the Golden Age), but seeks to purify Islam within its own terms - the main one being the eradication of any form of Innovation (something that the Prophet and the Golden Age were very eager to create), particularly the idea that other ideas of Islam cannot exist- as Syiahism, Secularism, and Sufiism etc. do actually exist. So when someone you know talks about Syariah law, ask them which one. Because if they are talking about lashings... child brides... 4 wives... slavery... capital punishment for apostacy... promulgating the medievil notion that women are somehow responsible for lustful men...etc. then they are prescribing themselves and everyone else to the bastardized version of Islam that is called Wahabbism. Something that was made up 150 yrs ago... promulgated and spread by Saudi money via people like ISIL, Islamic Jihad and Al Qaeda, so that the imbecilic House of Saud could keep their imbecilic kingdom using FEAR. Because 150 yrs ago Arabs in Saudi Arabia were feared to be - in their majority - free thinkers that would never let those stupid princes get away with what they are doing now. #rant over and off to bed with a clear conscience #justsaying
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:28:49 +0000

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