thanks רשל שיקא This Motzeh Shabbat is Rosh Khodesh - TopicsExpress


thanks רשל שיקא This Motzeh Shabbat is Rosh Khodesh כשלב . כשלב is the month of Khanuka where tremendous miracles occurred for our people. Rav Dessler says (among others) that the special mitzvah of Rosh Khodesh Kislev is to ask G-d for miracles. Kislev is the month of the defiance of nature. When we ask God for miracles we are asking him to overcome nature for us. In Kislev, ה answers that he will defy his rules of nature if we defy our own nature. This specifically implies the nature of sadness and complaining. Rav Khaim Falagi, ancient scholar, promises that Whoever doesnt complain from the night of Rosh Khodesh Kislev (this Saturday night) to the last candle of Khanuka (last day of Khanuka) will see miracles (that defy nature=that are big and clear) in his life this year. This Saturday night pray to ה for specific miracles in your life - because this is the month that he will say yes (if you also do) Try not to complain at all from this Saturday night to the last day of khanuka - always say לטובה for the good Even if you think this is all bs dont hate so quickly. Not taking the chance of an extra prayer this Saturday night is foolish. YOU MISS 100% OF THE CHANCES YOU NEVER TAKE. And why not try being optimistic for a month. Look at it as a challenge or as character building. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good night
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:47:10 +0000

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