thanx brianfor ad. I co-admin the community page on FB Bernie - TopicsExpress


thanx brianfor ad. I co-admin the community page on FB Bernie Sanders for President The UNITY call aimed at PDA (wants demo run) and Bernie Sandesr for President 2016 (which supporter and Indie run only. WE support bernies decision either way and hope your group does as well. A CALL FOR UNITY AROUND THE CHOICES BERNIE SANDERS WILL BE MAKING: (But first a question. Was Two Harbors the first town/city to have a full General Stirke that actually won? Procarstinating getting deadline for Mn PUC commons--Jan. 23 : John Iversen A CALL FOR UNIITY AROUND BERNIE SANDERS AND THE CHOICES HE WILL MAKE (Procrastinating the work for getting word on for Jan. 23 comment deadline to MN PUC on Enbridge pipeline which will be accompanied by OIL TANKERS ON GREAT LAKES. The ideas for this piece came from Caroll Dahlbergs share from Friends of Bernie Sanders. We grew up in Two Harbors, MN which gave you Phil Berrigan, the nations first Community Heatth Center -1944; and perhaps the nations first city-wide GENERAL STRIKE. 4 killed in a town of 4000 in 1924--now post rust belt about 3200. Carol Dahlberg shared Friends of Bernie Sanderss photo. John Iversen Hey Carol Dahlberg. Thank god, goddess Mother Earth, the universe to gives thanks fr people like Bernie Sanders for President, Winona LaDuke Honor the Earth Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Barbara Lee ti stand up for all of us and still speak truth to power damn the consequences, I co-admin the FB group: Bernie Sanders for President and suddenly our little group which was started I think by Michael Thinkbigger Custer, Salit In Israel working for peace and just unaffiliated people who have come together for Friends of Bernie Sanders at this time in history I dont even know what other co-admins of the group are thinking in terms of Bernies choices to run Indep or in the Democratic primaries, but I do know this and my sentiments are with Michael Thinkbigger Custer We support Bernie and will gladly make Bernies campaign staff co-admins or let them admin the page and hand over the domain if asked. The differences in groups supporting Bernie have become important. I doubt PDA would openly support a Bernie run as an independent and I doubt that Bernie Sanders for President 2016 (they will only support Bernies run as an independent) When push comes to shove and Bernie makes a choice not to one groups liking; I hope both will pit aside that difference and work for Bernie. People in PDA and Bernie Sanders for President 2016 should be thinking 2020 when Bernie may be faced with the same choice and he he may go the other way. If he runs Indep I am presuming the good folks at PDA will hand over the list of their members whove signed petitions by PD,A for a Democratic run. I will be posting this plea to both groups, as a Berkeley Green asked me to close our group. I said I did not have the power and would ask co-admins--UNANIMOUS NO, We stop or hand over when Bernie asks. As the man who introduced me (well, Mayor Surely Mean, as I was doing my drag mockery presentation at a Maudelle Shirek campaign fundraiser) personally to Bernie , former Berkeley Mayor Gus Newport ,has joined our group and would certainly let us know when if and Bernie makes a run for it. I am unsure of what the now very large 2016 indie group will do. This when they asked our group to close our group. Oddly this Berkeley Green is much closer to the Bates/Loni Hancock/Sam Zell cabal (we call them Clintonites) than I am. I also didnt like the on-line tone of the ask which considered condescending (this person should have googled me), perhaps ageist, I have no idea. Im in the phone book and he could have called. Just as there are kookie Democrats (the Blue dogs, the centrist DLC formed by the Cintons, with roots in the Dixiecrat movement) there are kookie Greens and people using the name Green when they are not affiliated with the Green Party USA which is headed up by Jill Stein and Ben Manski. I know the San Franciso and Brooklyn Greens support AIDS denialists and know the SF group is unofficial. I presume the Oakland Greens have joined the national group as they ran a very credible Jason Shake Anderson for Mayor and a lot of sane people in Occupy Oakland (i.e. not the black bloc) joined the Oakland Green Party. Shake Anderson, what is going on? The Richmond, CA Greens joined with other progressives to overwhelming beat the 5 candidates back by $3 million from Chevron. I know former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin (on City Council now, Tom Butt is the new Mayor) and the Alameda County Green Party (where I have friends like Kevin Reilly). As a progressive, I support Skip Sandmans run for Duluth City Council. This time he announced early and stands a good chance as he got over 11,000 for for Congress. There was a reason why there was no DFL booth at the Lake County fair this year. Most of the County DFL activists have made it known they do not support tar sands oil and sulfide mining. So thanks Carol Dahlberg, your post brought the muse to write this up and send it out to various groups and people mentioned here. sorry I tend to ramble on at times and nod to Jorge Luis Borges stream of consciousness writing style. These are just my opinions and not me. Bernie Sanders decides what is right for Bernie Sanders and people using his name should act on his behalf. I see the issue on the horizon and want UNITY on this issue. The 2016 group and the PDA group may have to work with Bernie either way or they look l utterly ridiculous as groups grinding their own agenda, not that of Bernie Sanders. As we came from the Northwoods of Minnesota we know a lot about axes and grinding, no? --John Iversen, please excuse the typos. My blessings to those who share this, but please share the entire pie here (eh Carol?) and do not quote me out of context.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:30:10 +0000

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