that heavy feeling you get in your stomach after youve had a huge - TopicsExpress


that heavy feeling you get in your stomach after youve had a huge falling out with someone you once held dear, and after a couple years of not speaking you find out theyve committed suicide... for francis lapointe; i just wanted to address that youve been in my thoughts all day. but im not going to cry and say that i feel guilty or have regrets in any sense, because i am aware that friendship, and grudges arent single sided by any means, so it would be unfair to totally blame myself for our fallen friendship when neither one of us put in the effort to resolve our conflict, even despite, looking back, as silly as i think it was for such harsh feelings to spawn from a little bit of VF/myspace drama. since seeing a friend post a collage of some of your old pictures today, commemorating your passing, i noticed your fb page linked under the alias frank wolf, and i stalked your page for a while, seeing how much youve changed over the years... its remarkable... your pikachu onesie made me smile most and gave me memories of when youd call me jiggly kittie and id call you pika wolfie. youd tease me and call me old lady, and id say you were a baby, coz i was three days older than you. but seriously, i recall seeing photos of you flooding my tumblr all the time, and youve changed so much i didnt even recognize you at the time. id say i was proud of you, but... im sort of disapointed that you werent stronger. you were a huge part of my teenage years, and a lot of memories shared between us. rest easy my canadian buddie. i apologize for being stubborn.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 09:08:08 +0000

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