that moment when your in a perfectly happy good mood and your out - TopicsExpress


that moment when your in a perfectly happy good mood and your out and about and then you hear the song Everything I do by Bryan Adams and you instantly think of your amazing big brother because that was his favorite song, and suddenly your heart aches so deep you feel like a knife sliced through, and you hear his laugh replaying in your head and the memories come flooding and you feel a lump in your throat and your eyes start to trickle hot salty tears that you have to blink and look away lest anyone should notice could so easily fall to your knees in agony and pain as the loss is still a shock even after all these years.....yes , this happened today....I ended up leaving the store and escaped to the van where I broke down and wept....I miss you so badly my dear brother . I miss your smile, your mischevious grin, those dimples that could charm anyone,, Your deep belly laugh, all the tricks you played on me, the way you were so patient with me and loved me the only way a big brother could love his baby sister...the way you were so shy yet brilliant and soo soo smart . I love you and hope your smiling down on us from up above.....R.I.P Paul Jonathan left us far too soon in a tragic way and im still so lost without you..
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:53:13 +0000

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