that tears mixed with blood are flowing from your eyes is it - TopicsExpress


that tears mixed with blood are flowing from your eyes is it because of your remembrance of the neighbours of Dhi-Salâm or is it because of the breeze blowing from Kâzimah or it is the lightning struck in the darkness of the night, from the mount of Idlam what has happened to your eyes, the more you tell them to stop, the more they continue flowing what is the matter with your heart, the more you tell it to come to it’s senses, the more it is distracted by love does the fervent lover think that his love can be concealed while his eyes are shedding tears and his heart is glowing had it not been for the love, you would not have shed tears at the ruins (of your beloved) nor would you become restless at the remembrance of the cypress (tree) and the high mountain === air mata darah yang mengucur di matamu apakah karena rindu jiran di Dzi-Salâmi apakah karena semilir angin dari arah Khadimah apakah karena kilasan kilat dari danau Idlami? kendati matamu rapat memejam air mata darah tetap bercucuran kendati dadamu pepat kau redam hatimu tetap bergejolak menahan kerinduan apakah para pencinta menyangka bahwa kerinduan jelas terpendam dalam air mata dan dada bergelora? kalau bukan karena cinta mustahil reruntuhan bersimbah air mata kalau bukan karena cinta mustahil matamu nyalang semalaman membayang gunung dan rimbun pepohonan Puisi karya Al-Bushiri dalam Al-Kawaakib Al-Durriyah fii Mahdhi Khairi al-Bariyyah (Bintang-bintang Gemerlapan yang Memuji Insan Paripurna), sekarang kita lebih mengenalnya dengan nama Qasidah Burdah.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:06:44 +0000

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