the 4 Blood Moons are the Antichrist Blood Moons the tribulation - TopicsExpress


the 4 Blood Moons are the Antichrist Blood Moons the tribulation starts on this date September 23 2017 According to astronomy computer programs (, on September 23, 2017, the moon will be in position under the feet of Virgo (Virgo Constellation), the sun will be over the constellation overlaying it in sunlight (clothed with the sun), Jupiter will be between Virgos legs (with child) and Mercury, Mars, and Venus will be in alignment next to her head, adding three stars to the constellation Leo, forming a crown of twelve above Virgos head. All four of these events and celestial bodies will be in place on that date, fitting Johns apparent description. This is a notable celestial event.since the hoover dam event comes the Beginning of the end. Vishnu/ Shiva dances in the waters of the hoover dam that day, the destroyer of worlds. the bomb made by CERN in Switzerland is dropped into the waters. and electromagnetic reaction opens a portal to the abyss Saturn. then the Antichrist will rise like a Phoenix. the Antichrist will have a new body claiming hes Jesus Christ he is not. from the abyss comes Millions of the Antichrist Nephilim armies. with this evil Roman Empire Army will come peace by force. the Antichrist signs a seven year peace treaty with Jerusalem and all states. the Antichrist new home is the Vatican and Rome he has unite Ten States of Europe into one ruling superpower. in order for this to happen he will put and end to the European union. the dragons wounded head is healed the revised Holy Roman Empire. the world becomes covered in white and black flags with the Antichrist true name 666. the world becomes covered in white and black flags with the Antichrist true symbol the six pointed star. the world becomes covered in Black and White flags with the Antichrist true image Nibiru the black cube. a new world order is brought to life by one world government. the whole world except one religion the black cube religion Nibiru. then people will receive the mark on there forehead and right hand the mark of the beast. a one world currency will be introduced ( vein readers) and Fijitsu Bioguard, there is only one bank in the holy roman empire no ATMS those with out the mark cant buy sell or trade food. the united states of America will be destroyed by the holy Roman Empire with Russia helping the Antichrist round up the remaining Christians and resistance fighters. those days will be shorted . there will be no internet. September 23, 2017. a great sign appears in the sky a woman clothed with the sun. she is the women of the Apocalypse, Revelations 9;11 they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon./ The image of the beast is Nibiru. which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel the desolation of abomination the black cube which represent Saturn Satan Cronus father time Apollyon Apollo the one world religion will be the black cube religion. And all who take the mark will worship this image and give it power
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:38:26 +0000

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