the Right to Life is the SOURCE of all Rights...Therefore a - TopicsExpress


the Right to Life is the SOURCE of all Rights...Therefore a Trespass upon One Right is a Trespass upon All Right(s).. There is. (from my findings) only one true Right, the Right to Life....All others are its consequences or corollaries ... A “Right” is little more than a moral principle defining and sanctioning Man’s freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental Right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): Man’s Right to Life Unhindered... Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life equates to the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action— Which means: the freedom to take All action required by the nature of a rational being for the Support, Furtherance, Fulfillment and the Enjoyment of his own Life (Such is the meaning of the Right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)... The concept of a “Right” pertains only to action—specifically, Freedom of Action. It means Freedom from Physical Compulsion, Coercion or Interference by any other Man.... Thus, for every individual, a Right is the Moral sanction of a positive ........ —of his Freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own Voluntary Non-Coerced Choice... Comes now.... Jamie-Ellsworth:Barker, the Living Man and NOT: a Surety, Owner of a Social Security Number, or 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, or an entity known as the LEGAL PERSON, JAMIE ELLSWORTH BARKER. I am the son of Dennis and Helen of the Great Family Barker... The 7th gen descendant of my Grandfather Tecumseh and cousin to Mary Cross, my proclaimed voice of the Shawnee and we are of the Ogitchedau people. Claiming and Asserting ones Sovereignty is my field of expertise and I am willing to educate any and all who wish to learn (I provide Lawful direction, Not Legal advice)... I live openly in accordance with, but not under Common Law, while applying a Sui Juris philosophy to my existence. the SUI JURIS philosophy is grounded in self evident truth, and the birthright that we RULE OUR OWN MINDS, bodies, and administrate all of our own affairs I have retracted my Consent to be governed and have let this be known by way of the sheriff using an administrative notarial process brought to Default titled: Notice of Understanding, Intent, Claim of Right, Fee Schedule and Permanent Estoppel by Acquiescence. I am willing to help all I am able to provided I am, but one man... I except and friend anyone who holds Respect, Dignity and Honor as Core Values... We should all UnderStand that our rights only end where anothers begin and that True Law for the individual is only the Defense of ones Self/property. Please add anything that is in line with Natural/Common Law (or Your Law, but Not Corporate Policy/Act, Statute or Regulation unless to point out the fraud in support of the People).. I (founder of the Archives) and others provide Lawful Direction by Example and not Legal Advice.... Proceed Always with Respect, Dignity and Honor my friends.... Private/Advanced Students group.. https://facebook/groups/231587703585927/ Open/New Students group... https://facebook/pages/Weare-Notsheeps-Self-Governing-Sui-Juris-Law-Archives-open-page/402744979763075 Join me and many other people Passionate about helping our people...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:39:41 +0000

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