“the Universe is an infinite Subjectivity, to which we all - TopicsExpress


“the Universe is an infinite Subjectivity, to which we all potentially have access” “the brain is not just an *includer* of Experience, but an *excluder* of all that remains.” “When we found out that actually the brain acted as a *reducing valve* … to larger experience … that Form added limitations to our essential state as No-Form … it became clear that there was never a time when we were not conscious in this life … or in any life, for that matter….” Today from Funny God, Monday, July 21st, Near Death Experiences, Death-Death Experiences, Tunnels, Lights, beyond … and before … space and time: *** [Q and A session for reporters and townies at Doctor Tinkertoon’s class at The Claremont Bible College for the Holy and the Pampered continues.] Chervis Tinkertoon: Okay, I think we’ve had enough of beating that dead horse. Does anyone have a concern involving something more revealing than just questioning the existence of this phenomenon? Something more in *my* line of research? Yes. You. What’s your question, Ms….? Reporter Number One: Sage Hope. Chervis: Yes, Ms Hope…. Sage Hope: I’m Sage Hope with KPBR listener-supported radio. My question for you, Doctor Tinkertoon, concerns these NDE and DDE experiences. From what I gather the reports on these show some real differences between them. Would you care to elaborate, Doctor? There has been a lot of confusion about this, and I’m sure our listeners would like you to explain the difference between NDEs and DDEs and why that became important. Chervis: Thank you, Ms Hope. That is an aspect of this I have looked into, which, I believe, I can shed some light on. Here’s what we found out. NDEs? Despite a significant backlog of reports of NDEs dating back decades, later research found those tellings were being influenced by culture and by a bit of, let’s say, “wishful thinking.” Many were the descriptions of tunnels, lights, and heaven. But DDEs put all of that in perspective, showing an unconscious attempt in those reports to fit them in with preexisting religious beliefs…. Sage: Are you saying, Doctor, that they were made up? Chervis: No. Not at all. Not made up. Here again, we get into this thing humans cannot help but do, that is, to color the experiences they have with, not just beliefs they have, but experiences they have had. And not just experiences they have had that they remember, actually, we see our experiences through a film or filter created of our early and unconscious experiences. Sage: Early experiences? Chervis: Yes. We know that everything we learn in life is built upon prior learning. What we have not quite understood, though it seems quite plain in retrospect, is that the earliest experiences we have were the earliest learnings we had, upon which everything else we experienced was built … within which everything else was interpreted. Sage: Which means? Chervis: Well, being facetious, first impressions are lasting. [chuckles] But, no. Okay, let’s go back to what I was saying about epiphenomenalism and the containers of consciousness. Well, for hundreds of years it was thought experience and memory were *caused and contained* within the brain. When we found out that actually the brain acted as a *reducing valve*, so to speak, to larger experience … that Form added limitations to our essential state as No-Form … well then it became clear that there was never a time when we were not conscious in this life … or in any life, for that matter…. Eve: Doctor, I think you might want to explain the “reducing valve” view of the brain. It’s pretty radical … so at odds with everything people normally think. Sage: Yes, Doctor. You’re sorta losing me. Chervis: All right. I see the point. I think I can clear that up using another analogy. That of a television. We have, in Western culture and especially since the Renaissance, thought of the brain as the container and the creator of thoughts … or consciousness. Well, with this new understanding of the Universe as an infinite Subjectivity, to which we all potentially have access, it became clear that the brain, whatever the brain actually is, since no thing physically actually exists … you might call it the physical indicator of the human’s tendency to limit Experience…. Maggie: *Dok*-ter…. Chervis: Okay, got ya. Forget that. Forget that physical reality, including the body … and brain, is a misunderstanding of Reality. For the sake of illustration, just remember that the brain was thought to be the source. But with this new understanding, the brain is seen to be something that takes from Reality or the All That Is the small amount, the smidgeon, of Experience that one calls one’s self. Like the magnet I was talking about earlier. It is not just an *includer* of Experience, but an *excluder* of all that remains. Think of a television. It picks up signals, signals capable of delivering a multitude of programs, but you select from that one channel … one channel that suits you … that you desire “to experience.” So that is like the brain. The brain is not actually creating anything, everything is already “created” … is already available … an infinity of the All That Is … of Subjectivity. The brain is actually reducing that down or selecting from it that which we wish to include in our individual “experiments in Truth,” as one theorist put it. Ephineus: Thought we were talking about the difference between NDEs and DDEs…. Chervis: Yes. It’s all related. What I am getting at is that, the brain being something that reduces Reality not *pro*duces it means that the size of the “container,” in this example, the brain, is unimportant. Actually the size of the “container” … better said, funnel … of consciousness has an *inverse* relationship to awareness. This means that our experiences as cells … sperm, egg, blastocyst, zygote, and so on … were just as important … actually, *more* important because of being earlier and thus more influential … on the way we would understand and the way we would perceive everything afterward. Ephineus: And this has to do with NDEs? Chervis: My apologies. This is a complex subject, because people have a real resistance to believing this about themselves. It goes against the notions we have about being “in control” and on top of our experiences. It goes against the belief that people want to have that they are able to know and remember the reasons behind what they do. It goes against the predominant fantasy of free will…. Ephineus: “Fantasy” of free will! I’m going to have to let that one slide. There’s too many! Doctor Tinkertoon, you were telling us about NDEs? Chervis: Apologies again. I’m just going to have to bull on through this. Okay, it turns out that in NDEs people were flavoring the experiences they reported with their beliefs and wishes … as well as with their earliest experiences. It’s not like their NDEs were not actual experiences and very supernatural. It’s not that they did not have encounters and communications with relatives and loved ones while out of form. In fact, that was the truly legitimate part of it. No. It is that these NDE experiencers were seeing what happened to them … and, at the time, what *was* happening to them … through this “veil” of the Form state. And this Form state, for this life, comes into being for all humans with the creation of sperm and egg … which creates space, creates form. Larger Consciousness creates of timelessness and spacelessness a form, it is the sperm and the ova. In this way we create space, the three-dimensional reality … its first limitation. Then, after a period of space, but not time, in the womb … that is, a timelessness … birth happens. And consciousness or Experience is further reduced through the experience of birth. Birth creates time … our three-dimensional reality becomes a four-dimensional reality. More than that, the foundation of our being and personality is built on these events. Hence, everything we are grows out of these events, as much as the plant or tree emanates from its roots. Another way of saying this, our personalities are stamped with the traumatic events of our cellular and birth experiences. Yes, yes, Mister Bogs. I am getting to the answer…. [ More coming…. Excerpted from a work-in-progress: Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation ]
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:39:05 +0000

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