the biblical meaning of - TopicsExpress


the biblical meaning of Ego...................................................MAN’S EGO IS THE DEVIL This will be probably my shortest post to date. Tonight I felt it was necessary to explain what the Carnal EGO of man is, show you what the scriptures call Mankind’s Ego, and how the truth finally sets us free from it all. The EGO is defined as “A consciousness of Identity, Individuality and a person sense of SELF importance” – An EGO is WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE… now with that in mind. Let me open up some scriptures for you after a brief intro. The EGO is the FATHER of all LIES. It is a LIE to begin with, for your EGO is not real and does not exist. This is your adversary, your enemy that is trying to devour you. Your EGO is prince of this world (ruler of your lusts). Your EGO is the one that condemns you, blames you, and tries to destroy you. YOU EGO will lie to you, steal from you, and ultimately destroy you… IF YOU DON’T RESIST your EGO. So resist your EGO and your EGO will depart. But be on your guard, because your EGO can come disguised as an ANGEL of LIGHT. Your EGO is the one who KILLED your TRUE NATURE (Gods child). Your EGO was a murderer from the BEGINNING. Because when you believed YOUR EGO was YOU, your TRUE NATURE was put to death (killed in your mind-Golgatha). The Carnal Ego of man is the beast that is and is not and yet is… It is the devil that is written about in scripture. ————– THE DEVIL spelled backwards is LIVED! Indeed, it is your past experience that FORMED this DEVIL of an idea of who you are. But you aren’t your past, you aren’t an addict, an abuser, a victim, a fool, a glutton, or anything else your past has tried to convince you, you are. ……YOU ARE MORE than the life you LIVED/DEVIL. This “DEVIL” of an identity was formed out of the DUST/LIES of your past. Your PAST IDENTITY, or the life you lived/devil that you IDENTIFY WITH is YOUR ENEMY! ……The DEVIL is the accuser of the brethren! This past IDEA of who you think you are was formed out of the life you LIVED/DEVIL and is always there to remind you how to judge people and circumstances. And by following after the past you continue to relive the past by making the same ignorant mistakes, based on the lies of the past and hang ups that aren’t real to begin with. …..The DEVIL (Life you LIVED) is a LIAR! The past is a LIE because it does not exist anymore. So to make your decisions based on past experiences is to not judge things as they are in the moment. To LIVE IN THE PAST is to DIE IN THE PRESENT. This is why so many have “baggage” because they carry this DEVIL (life they have lived) everywhere with them. And because of this they continue to suffer. ….. You PAST does not dictate your future, unless you decide to allow it. You are more than you know. Just as you created your past experience you have the choice to create your present however you would like it. You are not the LIFE YOU LIVED/DEVIL — THE DEVIL is only the sum of your past experiences that you have allowed to RULE YOU in this age. This is why the DEVIL is called the god of this world. People are ruled by their past experiences, past beliefs, and their past traditions. ….. However, this is not who you are, you are whoever you decide yourself to be, YOU CAN CREATE who you are in each moment. Don’t let the sad life your LIVED/DEVIL dictate your present experience. …… RESIST the lying voice of your past experience and it will flee from you. RESIST your past destructive behaviors, triggers, and ill informed notions and YOUR ENEMY the DEVIL (the condemning voice of your past idea of who you are) will flee! ————— This DEVIL is the carnal EGO of man. This is the enemy hiding in plain sight. It is the YOU, you think you are but are not. Now not everyone is ready to hear this. Most believe there is an enemy outside of them working hard to ruin their lives, but this is another lie of man’s carnal ego. The Ego of mankind always wants to blame everyone and everything else as opposed to dealing in truth. And many can’t see this because they simply can’t hear this truth yet. Luke 8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear the TRUTH; then comes their EGO, and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe WHO THEY ARE and be saved from WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE. You can’t hear from God while listening to your Ego. It is impossible to hear the truth, when ruled by the false image that you have believed yourself to be. This is why so many people are torn up inside, this is why Paul wrote in Romans about wanting to do good but doing what he hates. Romans 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. You can’t serve two masters. Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. A house divided will eventually fall, now that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because the house that many live in today is their EGO. And the Ego has to GO. The reason is simple, one will not listen to the TRUTH if their EGO has them believing they already know all they need to know. Psalm 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. You ever try sharing the love of God with people who believe in infinite torture? They won’t listen to a word of what you say. Because the lie of the EGO’s in this world is strong. SO MANY people have taught about a place of endless torture for so long, so many believe in this place, the EGO of mankind won’t listen to different. The EGO of man will keep you from hearing the truth, and speaking the truth. Matthew 9:32-34 32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a DUMB man controlled by his EGO. And when his EGO was cast out, the DUMB spoke the truth, and the multitudes marveled saying, IT WAS NEVER SO SEEN IN ISRAEL. No one wants to be wrong, many say. Our EGO needs to be fed, it needs to be puffed up constantly. It goes about looking for praise, looking for acceptance, and looking for approval. But this is all vanity, it is a chasing the wind, or as eating dust. You will never grow spiritually or truly benefit by feeding your ego.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:04:05 +0000

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