the counselor shares, I am delighted to share with our friends - TopicsExpress


the counselor shares, I am delighted to share with our friends that Sister Grace and I are praising God as He continues to be our constant Companion. Our Comfort. Our Encourager. But, best of All: our Savior and LORD. Grace and I are especially thankful for each of you who have been praying; and, have continuously prayerfully supported us during this difficult journey. Today, we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Daniel Fried,my Radiation Oncologist. Dr Fried went over the notes, film and MRI, explaining in detail the metastatic prostate cancer. Further, he and Dr Dyar, the Medical Oncologist, whom I shared with you yesterday. These two specialist have talked and shared their notes and thoughts for the best possible regimen I need for optimum health. On Thursday, January 22nd, 2015, I will receive ten days of Radiation therapy, excepting weekends. Constantly monitoring my WBCs, RBCs and platlets, as well as the effectiveness of each treatment and any adverse reactions, if any, I might experience. Immediately, following this regimen, Dr. Dyar will commence with Chemotherapy, if all the tests show my WBCs, RBCs and platlets are at a safe level. Sister Grace and I have been so moved with our interaction with these doctors and their Nursing staff. We have been extended every friendly, personal, yet professional courtesy that anyone might imagine. Great News! My doctors are onboard and saying the same thing. They are of the opinion, providing I respond well to these treatments that we can reduce my metastatised prostate cancer to nothing more than a chronic illness that can be treated. These doctors are talking about me living for years. Did you hear this, Prayer Warriors? They are no longer talking months, they are now talking YEARS! Thank God for the advancement in modern medicine, which I believe are an extension of His hands. But make no mistake. Medicine aids nature, BUT GOD...does the HEALING! Your continued prayers is much appreciated. I may yet be in for a rough ride, but it is comforting to know that i am not alone on this incredible journey. I would be remiss if I did not make this statement, my precious wife Grace has been there for me; giving of herself unselflessly and tirelessly in her efforts to be my Angel and prayer partner. God bless you All and those you love!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:30:28 +0000

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