the doo-doo just gets getting deeper....and the death toll higher. - TopicsExpress


the doo-doo just gets getting deeper....and the death toll higher. This killing will no doubt jack the size and frequency of #HandsUpDontShoot and #Icantbreathe demonstrations in the next while.....things are past the boiling point IMO: things are cookin and its gonna be a long hot winter in the US...... One way to rewrite history is to exterminate all who saw what actually did happen; remember, history is not just written by the winners, what the losers had to say often gets wiped out along with the lives who said/saw it. Goes back centuries and thousands of years, really. Egypt, the Mesopotamian civilizations, the Greeks, the Romans, they all did it, long before the destruction of the Library of Alexandria (not by Caesars troops, actually shown most survived until the Islamic Conquest centuries later, when the surviving warehouses of papyri were ordered burned by the first Emir of Egypt). The First Qin Emperor c. 100 BC I think (AD?) ordered everything written before his reign destroyed, so that history would begin with him - Between the two first dynasties, the Xia/Hsia and Zhang, thats 6000 or so years worth of written and artistic works wiped away; Zhang art survives, its interestingly different from post-Qin Chinese art. Then theres the Spanish wiping out the libraries of the Aztecs and Inca Empires, after having wiped out Mozarabic Christianity and Judaism and Islam in Spain.......actually its anywhere, on any continent. Humans have this habit of dealing with unpleasant information by forgetting it, or forcing others to forget, often by fatal means. Tradition, as it were, and hm very efficient. Thats all state destruction and the ravages of time and ego. But here we have the killing of living witnesses, that too was done in Roman and Greek times and in more than one European country; this goes back in history as standard practice in the pursuit and maintenance of power. But they didnt have the internet then, and cities and populations are of a different order of magnitude. global civilization is at critical mass, the US especially, IMO. Racial equality is one thing and its not gonna be achieved easily, it seems, unfortunately for all concerned. But where this will go when oil hits $43/barrel and one or several major currencies do a nosedive, with the greenback, yuan and/or euro leading the nosedive. Civil disorder will remain racially driven but it will increasingly be about food and funds; and its those with uniforms and titles who have the food and the funds. I wish the best for the people of the USA, and deplore what we are seeing here, and those who defend or equivocate or counter-criticize black people instead of acknowledge that someone was murdered. But how and when they will come around, or where they will go in the meantime before they achieve a truly civil society, remains to be seen. Killing witnesses was short-term thinking; as the Mexican government is also learning....the medium term on this is NOT GOOD.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 07:33:29 +0000

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