the following article of mine made it into a local paper in - TopicsExpress


the following article of mine made it into a local paper in Letters to Editor (Sonoran News).. thought what the hell, let me share it again.. Things have changed for Obama During the election cycle leading up to his first term in office Barack Hussein Obama with his empty message of Hope and Change was idolized and deified by throngs of the mindless who never bothered to ask What type of change? I recall there were teachers who had songs written praising him, who then coerced YOUR children, OUR children, to sing the praises of this fraud with no accomplishments. The uninformed were so delusional they thought the water levels would drop, the sun will always shine, everyone would receive free college educations, free cars, free utilities, free healthcare, FREE stuff! Hope and change. The meaningless chant continued unabated. Yet no one, including and especially the mainstream media, asked, who is this guy, what are his credentials, where are his friends, where are his classmates, what are his beliefs, what are his values, what are his accomplishments, what is his ideology? Time has passed. People have come to learn that nothing is free and you should never rely on only hollow words and rhetoric. Taxes are higher. Healthcare is an overly expensive disaster. The insults and attacks on American citizens who dared question him heated up and continue to this day. Old allies turn away. He turns his back on other old allies. He bows to foreign kings and sultans. He insults our Christian-Judeo heritage. He announces to the world WE are no longer a Christian nation. He grabs defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and the same is about to occur in Afghanistan. He attacks our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, and our liberties. He weakens our military. His foreign policy implodes. He changes laws and regulation with no authority. He abandons OUR men on the battlefield, lies and flies off. He blames others for his many blunders and miscalculations. He takes no responsibility for his actions. In collusion with the worst Attorney General ever, the worst president ever makes decisions on which laws to enforce and which to ignore. He refuses to close and defend our borders. The list is endless. Barack Hussein Obama is a man of no accomplishments. He has now has shown the country and the world that he is also a man of no honor. What has changed? While he was once the person many idolized for no reason he has become a pariah, a known liar, proven coward, and an abject failure for many, many reasons. Thats a change Im happy to live with. Tom Carbone Cave Creek
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:58:53 +0000

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