the fools are the ones falling for this global warming scam, not - TopicsExpress


the fools are the ones falling for this global warming scam, not those suspicious of it. climate change has happened thousands of times before humans were even on the scene. so what caused that? these liars cannot possibly conclude humans are or arent responsible for climate change. why do they pick on CO2 when methane has about 35 to 300 times (depending on who you believe) the greenhouse gas properties of CO2? because we breathe out CO2 and al gore and company want to tax every human for the air we breathe. thats the real heart of this scam. cows and termites account for most of the methane, but poor old al hasnt figured out how to tax them yet. im sure hes working on it. are you foolish enough to believe al gore when his carbon footprint is over 100 times the average americans? his mansion, his huge indoor heated pool, his private jet, what a great example he sets. such concern. wake the hell up, its a scam. nobody is saying climate change isnt happening as it always has way before humans existed, but the climate change deniers as the sheep call them ARE saying there is no way in hell these dumbass scientists (who stand to profit handsomely im sure) can conclusively blame humans. of course we should do all we can to stop pollution and promote solar power, but al gore doesnt want solar power because the sun is free. the only way his ilk would promote solar for real instead of just talking about it is if they figure out a way to charge us for the sun as if they own it. old al even includes the option for large polluters to buy carbon credits (permission to pollute) rather than force them to change their polluting ways. this will cause more pollution, not less. yeah, pollute all you want as long as you pay. seems all gore isnt really as worried about it as he pretends to be.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:41:18 +0000

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