the goal of this note is for you to maintain a high priority on - TopicsExpress


the goal of this note is for you to maintain a high priority on your sleep, since it can take up about 33% of our entire lifetime. ive found that it pays dividends to get a good restorative nights sleep, consistently. some may think sleep is wasted time, but in essence its a highly critical period for several events to occur that ensure optimal health and quality of life. some of these events are listed below, as well as tips on getting a good nights sleep. [a] sleep allows rest; to relax muscles, organs, and other body parts, mind, memory, and emotions. [b] sleep allows dreaming; with the mind out of the way, the dream master (mahanta) may schedule dreams to offer solutions to everyday problems, work out some karma, apply a healing, attend a class (satsang), see a glimpse into a possible future, visit a scene from a past life, visit someone special, etc. [c] sleep allows restoration of energy from divine spirit. the higher the consciousness of the person, the purer the quality of this energy. spirit or the light and sound has a cleansing effect on our five bodies (physical, emotional, memory, mind, and soul). [d] sleep allows soul travel into the higher worlds. have you ever woken up knowing youve been somewhere or done something but cannot remember a thing? you may have been for a visit to the worlds beyond space, time, energy, matter. i.e. the higher planes. [e] sleep allows repair to damaged cells, organs, etc. [f] sleep allows for detoxification to happen. breaking down and/or eliminating poisons (the kidney, liver, bowels, hormone glands, blood system, and sweat glands, etc. all work hard on the night shift). [g] its important to get the right amount of sleep. you can find this by simply experimenting with varying sleep hour, and then monitoring how you feel during the day (energy level, mood, endurance, stamina, fatigue level, mental clarity, purity of thought, etc.). for example; start at six hours for two nights, then seven hours for the next two, then eight hours for the next two. or you can start at nine for two, then eight for two, and so on. [h] have regular sleeping and waking up times. go to bed and wake up at a consistent time (yes, even on weekends). this ensures harmony and consistency with your body cycles and rhythms. [i] avoid stimulation close to bedtime (caffeine, discordant music, aggressive or extreme emotions, anger, being on the computer, physical exercise, excess sugar). [j] keep the bedroom dark, private, clean, bug-free, odor-free. refrain from bringing any food into the bedroom. [k] have clean bed linen. vacuum the mattress regularly, turn it over every few months. spray it with lysol. use a mattress pad. [l] refrain from snacking before going to bed, drink a glass of water instead. [m] if your pillow or mattress is lumpy, saggy, has stains, or appears to be uncomfortable, maybe its time for an upgrade? [n] keep your daytime napping to a minimum and make the naps short. [o] engage in a regular physical exercise program, so that you are naturally tired at the end of day. [p] if you have a life partner, think about sleeping apart (single beds). you may get better sleep and greater energy upon awakening. you can always come together on the one bed for your conventional physical entanglements! [q] for quality sleep, try reading a few pages of something calming and inspiring, like a scripture before going to sleep. [r] also helpful for sound sleep is a session of prayer, meditation, or spiritual exercise. [s] as you fall asleep, have your thoughts be loving and grateful. invite your spiritual guide, role model, angel, or the mahanta for members of ECK. be consistent and this practice will pay off in the long run. [t] try and keep your bedroom for sleeping only (for example; some might set up a small office in one corner). maintain a sleep vibration in this room. [u] ensure that the room is airy (maybe keep a window open a few inches), and not stuffy. keep good temperature and humidity levels. [v] wear clean night clothes that are comfortable and airy. [w] if you can; take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair with a good brush. [x] update your daily journal before sleeping. this way, challenges may be able to be processed in the sleep state. [y] think unconditional love as bedtime approaches. this sets the stage for a good sleep session. also, make yourself available for any service during sleep. [z] upon awakening, dont forget to journal your nightly adventures in la-la land. happy zzzzs ! https://youtube/watch?v=vXKKxQC-nYs
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:32:15 +0000

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